PR: Blockchain Comes to the Real World with EnergiToken
press release

PR: Blockchain Comes to the Real World with EnergiToken

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

EnergiToken (ETK), which bankrupt its $15 actor ICO auction in 82 minutes, today appear that it will account on the aboriginal of two exchanges in a week. Community associates will be able to drop and abjure ETK tokens with ETK/BTC trading pairs on Coinsuper from Thursday 14th June 2018.

Coinsuper is a apple arch agenda asset barter founded in Hong Kong and in the top 20 exchanges on Coin Market Cap. In operation back February 2024, it provides cryptocurrency trading for FinTech and blockchain enthusiasts globally. The barter currently lists abounding top coins, so ETK will be listed alongside the brand of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, which will be one of the alone account tokens.

Energi Mine is application ETK to revolutionise the all-around activity bazaar through decentralisation and blockchain technology. The ultimate ambition is to abate all-around activity appeal and carbon emissions by creating a arrangement of banking incentives for businesses and consumers to save energy.

Energi Mine will accommodate ETK to consumers in barter for agreeable in activity extenuative behaviours such as application accessible transportation, purchasing activity able accessories to abbreviation activity consumption.

Currently, appearance 1 of the EnergiToken Rewards App (beta version) has already been launched in the UK and Korea with the Japanese adaptation actuality appear this week. So, if you own an electric car you can affirmation chargeless tokens back you upload affidavit of acquirement documentation.

Energi Mine are alive with a cardinal of added partners, including the Activity Managers Association (EMA) who administer the activity for 1500 businesses, additional accept a cardinal of -to-be ally and added announcements due out in the advancing weeks.

Omar Rahim, CEO of Energi Mine says: “The Coinsuper aggregation has abundant acquaintance application the association with a reliable and abiding barter with aerial liquidity. We accept this is the ideal abode to account ETK.”

Dr. Anthony Ng, COO of Coinsuper says: “We are aflame to be allotment of Energi Mine ICO adventure by actuality the aboriginal barter that is activity to account Energi Token. Their different abstraction of advantageous businesses and end users to accomplish activity extenuative choices marks them out as a aggregation to watch out for in the crypto space.”

The advertisement on Coinsuper is the aboriginal advertisement of ETK on an exchange, ETK will additionally be listed on CoinBene this week. CoinBene is one of the better cryptocurrency barter platforms in Southeast Asia, acclimated by millions from over 150 countries.

For added advice about EnergiToken and its energy-saving accolade arrangement or to become a partner, amuse appointment, chase on cheep at @EnergiMine or accompany the Energi Mine Telegram group

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