PR: EO Obtains Licenses for Crypto-Fiat Exchange and Wallet as Its Initial Coin Sale Continues
press release

PR: EO Obtains Licenses for Crypto-Fiat Exchange and Wallet as Its Initial Coin Sale Continues

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EO, a four-platform-ecosystem has acquired two licenses to for its accessible crypto authorization barter and wallet. This makes it one of the aboriginal crypto-based companies to accept a authorization above-mentioned to ablution of its crypto articles and it can clearly acquiesce the use of authorization on its accessible crypto exchange, crypto wallet and online trading platform, as able-bodied as the barter of its own coin, EO, with fiat.

Regulation in the crypto apple is a adequately new affair which has been accepting a lot of absorption as added crypto accompanying projects emerge. Many crypto exchanges and crypto wallets are gluttonous to accept licensing for their services, about currently exchanges and wallets, including some of the better names, are operating after licensing, and are accustomed to due to the adolescence of the cryptomarket.

EO comes from ExpertOption which has been a adapted agent back entering the online trading scene, EO which amid added articles will advance and barrage a crypto barter and crypto wallet for both authorization and agenda currencies is afterward the aforementioned aisle and has accustomed the Virtual Currency Barter Service License (number FVR000193) and the Virtual Currency Wallet Service License (number FRK000161) afore ablution its crypto products.

EO.Finance, the banking crypto-fiat hub which will serve as a wallet for autumn and exchanging cryptos with authorization is accepted to be appear in July of 2024 according to the roadmap. EO.Trade crypto exchange, which is the better activity in the ecosystem will be appear in December of the aforementioned year and is now clearly accountant to action absolute barter from authorization and crypto and carnality versa forth with all added EO products.

The EO ecosystem with its platforms will accompany online trading and blockchain projects afterpiece by authoritative crypto and authorization barter easy. The platforms will acquiesce newcomers to crypto to buy tokens application fiat. They can additionally barter their cryptos aback to authorization after a complicated processes.

The arrangement will acquaint token-based accounts on its online trading platform, ExpertOption, area the EO bread will acquiesce crypto trading with college accumulation percentages. The EO bread will additionally acquiesce lower transaction fees on EO.Finance and EO.Trade.

The EO bread presale started on the 16th of April and will abide until the 29th of June while a additional annular of auction is accepted on the 16th of July to the 31st of August.

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