PR: Game Machine - Investing in Gaming Industry for a Great Profit!
press release

PR: Game Machine - Investing in Gaming Industry for a Great Profit!

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

The acceptance of blockchain technologies had gone through the roof. It showed startups a new way of basic advance — Initial Coin Offer (ICO). Seems like there’s an amaranthine bulk of new companies with a abundant and able outcome. With so abounding startups and abreast technologies, today is an agitative time to be a cryptocurrency investor.

One of the best avant-garde markets nowadays is the gaming industry. 2024 was one of the greatest years in the apple of video games, it became a battleground with revenues beyond $116 billion. People are spending added than anytime on games, and this is abnormally accurate for the millennial generation. The PC scene, which was declared to abatement of, is absolutely assuming that it won’t be denied. The contempo assay by shows that players are appropriately arena on animate and claimed computers. With blockchain technologies, these gaming PCs could be acclimated to accomplish money.

What can it offer?

One of the startups that accept already accepted the aerial affection of its artefact is Game Machine. It merges the gaming industry and blockchain technologies. The aggregation developed the activity with application of all parties complex — the gamers are absorbed in accepting the items for their admired titles, developers get the belvedere to advance their amateur and investors can acquisition a admired activity faster. Game Machine artlessly unites all of them in one cellophane ecosystem.

Game Machine is an aggressive project, but with a bright eyes and axiological ideas. It was started in March 2024 with a account of $80,000. At the beginning, the aggregation invested their own money and afterwards a brace of months of developing, they got added $120,000 from investors. The aggregation consists of the brightest minds in the industry and has gone far for a activity that was started not so continued ago. CEO of Game Machine, Taras Dovgal, talks about the team:

“Game Machine is consistently developing and growing. Currently, the aggregation consists of 15 members. It isn’t a big group, but we can calmly say that we’re accompany and are affiliated by the aforementioned ideas. We additionally accept added advice from accomplished marketers, designers, and traffic-managers”.

The abundant affair about Game Machine is that it already has a alive product. The aggregation was focused on the development of the applicant app for months and has aloof appear Open Beta adaptation of it. Game Machine Applicant consists of a miner and a abundance of items for accepted amateur such as CS:GO and Dota 2. Gamers all over the apple are assuming a abundant absorption — the applicant had admiring added than 10,000 users in a ages and a half. That’s no admiration because the gamers get what they appetite by accouterment adding admiral of their PCs and not by advantageous their hard-earned money. The aggregation is additionally accouterment connected updates for the adaptable appliance of Game Machine.

Game Machine is bent to abide the development of the products. The library of amateur and items will alone abound in the approaching as the aggregation will apparatus added and added projects in the pool. The plan for 2024 is to absolution the aboriginal adaptation of the app for advertisers and addition one for investors. Also, the adaptable adaptation of Game Machine Client for iOS is in development and will be launched in March 2024. By 2024 the aggregation will set up a artefact for exchanging tokens and actualize API for the 3rd affair assets for the ecosystem. Security of Game Machine is provided by the aggregate of Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Authority principles. Later the aggregation is planning to use neural networks and AI for a defalcation of fraud.

Token Sale

Game Machine is active a Token Sale at the moment. The activity admiring added than $700,000 in awash tokens by a week. Currently, there is a 10% benefit for all purchased tokens for investors. Token Sale will aftermost until January, 31.

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