PR: How Ubex Uses Blockchain to Disrupt the Advertising Market
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PR: How Ubex Uses Blockchain to Disrupt the Advertising Market

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Cupertino, CA – Ubex is attractive to acutely change the agenda business all-around industry which becoming $229 billion in 2024 and will ability a beauteous $335 billion in 2024. They will do so application a innovate new technology alleged blockchain. In contempo years the agenda business industry angry its eye to blockchain technology that can potentially allay or break abounding of the issues present in the amplitude today.

The blockchain is currently demography the banking area by storm. 14% of banking bazaar institutions plan to apparatus blockchain-based services, and these ante are accepted to ability 65% by 2024. Digital business will chase the banking sector, and Ubex, who utilizes different blockchain technology and bogus intelligence to accommodate avant-garde solutions for advertisers, publishers, and consumers will be at the beginning of the revolution.

Ubex solves abounding of the problems in the agenda business amplitude today. One of these issues is targeting. The Ubex belvedere utilizes a programmatic access to user abstracts to advance targeting. Behavioral and socio-demographic abstracts of users is analyzed to conduct a transaction. This allows for advance of targeting, and will let advertisers buy slots for demographics instead of website locations.

The abeyant of programmatic algorithms is immense. At the aforementioned time, this abeyant cannot be accomplished absolutely after the addition of blockchain technologies and neural networks. Therefore, the actualization of Ubex will be a agitator for the advance of the software bazaar and digital-advertising in general

With blockchain technology developed by Ubex, customer abstracts will be bigger adequate because of the added aegis congenital into blockchain technology. Blockchain allows altered parties to access into a transaction after affectionate in one addition by application a accord mechanism. As anniversary block is added to the abutting an irreversible alternation is created, assuming anniversary activity from alpha to end clearly and securely.

Additionally, this technology allows for acute affairs to be accomplished by the Ubex blockchain technology. For instance, it could prohibit acknowledgment of geographic advice about the user after allotment if it is assured by the system. Moreover, barter may advertise their claimed advice to absorbed companies. This can abode the aloofness issues brought up in the Facebook trials.

The blockchain can advice finer about-face to a archetypal of acquittal for targeted actions. Blockchain allows the accomplishing of: (1) tracking of ambition accomplishments and their extenuative in a database cellophane for all participants, (2) creating a trusted acceptability appraisement (3) creating mechanisms for guaranteeing alternate settlements, (4) tokenization of ad slots for publishers and factoring centers for advertisers, (5) broadcast abstracts mining for consumer-related information.

Click artifice is a blazon of artifice which is broadly advance in pay-per-click (PPC) online advertising. The publishers that column the ads are paid based on how abounding visitors to the sites bang on the ads. Artifice occurs back a affected user imitates a absolute company by beat on an ad aloof to access the bang through rate. Announcement networks are the ultimate beneficiaries of this blazon of fraud.

Ubex solves the artifice botheration by applying blockchain technology and pay-per-action archetypal to clue bottomward altered accomplishments starting from a website user registration, abrogation acquaintance advice and finishing with purchasing products.

Under the amount per activity model, advertisers do not pay publishers for any activities added than those appropriate by the acute contract. The administrator is not motivated to participate in artifice schemes.

Ubex advance all user accomplishments on the publisher’s and advertiser’s armpit and saves all abstracts on the blockchain. Ubex’s blockchain archetypal is cellophane and encrypted. Companies can calmly analyze if the bodies examination their ads are associates of their targeted audience.

Blockchain technology marks a new era in agenda business that will accompany efficiency, beneath accident and added assurance amid players. Those players who are accumulation Ubex blockchain solutions in their agenda business accumulation alternation will beat their competitors by a mile. Through tokenization and AI, Ubex is one of the best agitative new projects in the blockchain ecosystem.

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