PR: Keynote Launches $6 Million Diversity and Inclusion Fund for the Global Blockchain Industry
press release

PR: Keynote Launches $6 Million Diversity and Inclusion Fund for the Global Blockchain Industry

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Keynote Launches a new armamentarium to abutment assortment and admittance in the development and use of blockchain technology.

Keynote​ is captivated to barrage a new $6 actor Armamentarium to abutment assortment and admittance in the blockchain industry. The armamentarium exists to ensure anybody has the befalling to comedy an alive role in the development and change of blockchain and opportunities to assignment and advance in blockchain are accessible to all behindhand of age, disability, gender character or gender expression, race, ethnicity, adoration or belief, sex, animal acclimatization or any added adequation characteristic.

This year, Keynote are decidedly auspicious applications to speak, advance and appear the World Blockchain Forum London from adolescent people, women and bodies and bodies with disabilities as these groups are currently under-represented in the blockchain industry. These opportunities are aimed at those who will account best from this befalling and who ability not contrarily accept the befalling to advance their careers and ability aural the industry. Applications to speak, advance or appear will be accustomed on a rolling base and will abutting on Friday 17 August 2024.

Keynote’s architect and CEO, Moe Levin, commented:
Digital currencies and blockchain, are advised to be democratizing and equalising and it’s absolutely important the industry is adumbrative of the citizenry beyond globe. Assortment is the base for aggregate achievement, and we accordingly charge added bodies to accompany the blockchain conversation. The ambit of perspectives and acquaintance assortment brings is an asset to the blockchain industry.”

Over the aftermost six years Keynote has invested $3 actor into the apprenticeship of adolescent bodies in blockchain in marginalized and underserved populations. This Fund will now accredit Keynote to abide and extend its abutment to ensure the blockchain industry is agreeable perspectives from a assorted ambit of bodies from beyond the apple to actuate new ideas, conversations and adorning experiences

Keynote Chief of Communications, Amandah Hendricks says:
“It’s important to accept this armamentarium exists not alone to both abutment assortment in blockchain technologies, it’s additionally about bringing added bodies into the accepted cryptocurrency conversations. Awareness and acceptable advice are key to a added assorted and across-the-board ambiance and this will be a big focus at this year’s World Blockchain Forum in London. We are attractive to abutment new and beginning perspectives and accord a articulation to everyone.”

The $6 actor Fund will be clearly launched at this year’s World Blockchain Forum captivated in the affection of London at the Old Billingsgate. Tickets are accessible at: ​​ and a abounding account of accepted speakers and the calendar can be found​ ​here​.

For expressions of interest, amuse acquaintance Amandah Hendricks, Chief of Communications, at [email protected]​. Applications will be accustomed on a rolling base and will abutting on Friday 17 August 2024.
If you would like to be a allotment of facilitating all-around change via blockchain apprenticeship through a ​partnership with us, amuse acquaintance Amy Issersohn, Chief Strategy Officer, at [email protected].

About Keynote

Keynote was launched in 2024 by blockchain architect Moe Levin. Further advice and capacity about Keynote and the accident can be begin at:​ ​

The Apple Blockchain Forum is the world’s better two-day blockchain appointment and will affection a star-studded calendar of over 100 apple chic presenters including a appropriate abode babble with influencers who accept been allotment of some of the better ICOs to date. The focus is on blockchain technology; accurately investments, acknowledged accomplished and approaching icos aural the industry, acknowledged implications and regulations, and how decentralization is abolition the cyberbanking industry.

For media inquiries, amuse acquaintance Amandah Hendricks Chief of Communications, at
[email protected]

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