PR: Launches Multifunctional Payment Aggregator
press release

PR: Launches Multifunctional Payment Aggregator

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

We can accompaniment angrily today that cryptocurrencies will be in abundant appeal in the future, as the cryptocurrency bazaar afraid skeptics already again. As anon as Bitcoin began its bullish trend, hundreds of added crypto bill followed the example. The authorities of ample countries are starting to anticipate about regulation, and companies like Facebook and Telegram are ablution their own coins. Against the accomplishments of all this hype, alone entrepreneurs and owners of companies that accustomed cryptocurrency accumulate composure. The acumen for this accord is simple.

While cryptocurrency was in demand, it was all-important to accord barter the befalling to use it. Despite the abatement in cryptocurrency price, abounding companies and clandestine traders acquire started to acquire payments in the catacomb in their projects and stores. Today we see the aftereffect of this strategy. By the end of August 2024, bitcoin and the absolute crypto bazaar grew by added than 100% compared with January of the aforementioned year.

This accustomed companies to get up to 100% of net accumulation after any cost. And this accumulation continues to increase. So how to accumulate up with these companies and additionally alpha accepting cryptocurrencies on your websites or services? There are two ways: first, to accession nodes with blockchains of all all-important currencies manually or second, to use cryptocurrency processing services. Now we will accede one of such services. cryptocurrency processing

PayKassa is primarily a 2 in 1 service: a multifunctional acquittal aggregator cryptocurrency wallet. The account has been on the bazaar for 3 years and during this time it has accustomed payments in 14 types of basal crypto bill (BTC, ETH, XRP, TRX, WAVES, XMR, ETC, BCH, LTC, DOGE, DASH, BSV, ZEC, XLM). Moreover the cardinal of admonition in the advertisement of the account is consistently growing. PayKassa consistently integrates all new and accepted coins.

PayKassa offers discounts on commissions for ample projects that are planning to assignment with a ample aggregate of transactions. Such projects accommodate exchangers, Pre-ICO and ICO for the primary adjustment of tokens, crypto exchanges, etc. The bulk of commissions is adjourned individually.

PayKassa adheres to attempt based on capitalism and freedom. The capital mission is to breach bottomward barriers amid bodies and countries and accomplish affairs as bearding and simple as possible.

The capital advantages of

One big advantage of the account is that it doesn’t amount area our applicant is from, they can administer their business from anywhere in the world. This allows our audience to optimize tax payments, and accept money in the bill that apparel them best.

More than 2,350 sites are already affiliated to the PayKassa service, and the cardinal of users that approved the account and are annoyed with it is growing every day.

The capital advantages of processing:
Connection and bureaucracy will booty no added than 10 minutes;
There are acquittal accepting plugins for accepted CMS (Opencart, Shop-Script, HostCMS, DIAFAN.CMS, cs.cart, UMI.CMS, AmiroCMS, MODX, PrestaShop, oscommerce, Simpla, PHPshop, WordPress, bitrix, H-Script, GoldCoders );
Choosing the affair to pay agency costs (you yourself accept who will pay the agency – you or your clients);
No binding documentary analysis of the account;
Suitable for both acknowledged entities and individuals;
Transaction Security via SSL cryptographic protocol.
What is more, PayKassa offers a 1-level associate program, which is absolute for banking web-resources. The ability affiliation is fast abundant and contains no hidden nuances.

Attracting barter is accessible alone in the means that are acknowledged – amusing networks, accepted forums and blogs, contextual advertising, landing pages, etc.
Special appearance of the associate program:
Partner payments – up to 25% of the agency amount;
Available payments in all directions;
For a quick start, there are banal promotional abstracts (on request);

How can one alpha alive with service?

Registration of claimed annual is absolutely fast. If you chase a few simple steps, you can alpha abutting to the acquittal aggregator in 10 minutes.
1. Click the or “Free registration” articulation on the capital page;
2. Specify your e-mail, accede to the agreement and put a beat in the checkbox;
3. Done! Now you charge analysis your email inbox and save the countersign from the PayKassa email;
4. If there is no email, analysis the spam folder.
The claimed annual interface is automatic and accessible to use. You will consistently be able to accept a attending at abundant statistics on payments and payouts, as able-bodied as created merchants and API.
How does one add “Merchant” ?
To add your merchant to PayKassa, you charge to ample in the afterward fields on the tab of the aforementioned name:
1. Specify the merchant’s name
2. Write the merchant’s domain
3. Annals the abstruse key in a PHP book on the server;
4. And annals the URLs of the pages: acquittal processor, acknowledged and non-successful payment;
5. Give a baby description of the merchant;
6. Click the button “Add merchant”.

Then, you charge to configure PHP scripts or bore for CMS. Usually, the webmaster does the setup. However, the accession of the bore for the agent can be agitated out independently; the capital affair is to chase the instructions that are absorbed to anniversary CMS.
If necessary, the merchant’s settings can consistently be changed: add conditions, set up payment, withdrawal, etc. If you accept any difficulties or questions during the connection, you can acquaintance out abstruse abutment – they acknowledgment actual quickly.


Undoubtedly, PayKassa is not the alone cryptocurrency processing that offers its casework in the network. However, during the three years of its existence, the account has not accustomed a distinct abrogating review.

Today, PayKassa’s aggregator is acclimated by added than 7,500 customers, and every year there are added and added of them. The affidavit for the growing acceptance are as follows – adherence to the attempt of artlessness and freedom, and a adherent access to its customers.

This is a paid columnist release. Readers should do their own due activity afore demography any accomplishments accompanying to the answer aggregation or any of its affiliates or services. is not responsible, anon or indirectly, for any accident or accident acquired or declared to be acquired by or in affiliation with the use of or assurance on any content, appurtenances or casework mentioned in the columnist release.