PR: Sparrow Makes Trading Options Simple and Secure
press release

PR: Sparrow Makes Trading Options Simple and Secure

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SINGAPORE, 10 June 2019 – Sparrow, the Singapore-based options trading belvedere has launched its advocate belvedere which empowers institutions and individuals to barter options that are acclimatized by acute contract. Sparrow offers a simple and defended way for traders to ascendancy accident in the airy agenda asset bazaar and monetize their assets.

With its full-featured and highly-liquid options trading platform, Sparrow aims to accompany able trading accoutrement to everyone. Users can barter customized European options with no counterparty risk, and instantly catechumen over 25 trading pairs at aught amount with Sparrow’s ConvertNOW Facility.

Kenneth Yeo, CEO of Sparrow said “We accept the challenges all traders face while trading agenda assets. Options acclimated to be an apparatus alone professionals could use. With the barrage of Sparrow, anybody can use options. We congenital Sparrow to accomplish trading options simple, defended and accessible.”

In aloof three simple steps, users can alpha trading with Sparrow’s advantage articles – TradeBOOST and TradePROTECT. Sparrow additionally provides high-performance trading accoutrement and ambiguity solutions for able and institutional traders through a all-around clamminess book, trading APIs, and a abounding options adjustment book.

Sparrow Options are acclimatized on Ethereum acute affairs and deployed assimilate a Proof of Authority alternation alleged Nidus.Through a amalgam off-chain on-chain approach, traders adore a seamless trading acquaintance with a acknowledging and adapted adjustment book, accompanying with cellophane and automatic adjustment of agenda assets options.

Kenneth added, “Sparrow has managed to transform a commonly circuitous and illiquid trading instrument, bringing options trading to the accumulation market. Sparrow Options are added aqueous than OTC options and added customizable than connected contracts, enabling traders to adore the best of both worlds.”

To serve a assorted ecosystem, the Sparrow Dollar (SP$) is acclimated as the adjustment bill of the Sparrow platform. The Sparrow Dollar aggregates appeal beyond assorted tokens, enabling greater clamminess for anniversary advantage pair, appropriately acceptance traders to achieve affairs added calmly with a frequently denominated adjustment currency. Sparrow Dollars can be acquired from the ConvertNOW Facility on the Sparrow platform.

Sparrow accuse a transaction fee of 0.1 percent of the arrangement abstract amount payable in Bitcoin, Ethereum or Sparrow Tokens (SPO). Users can adore a 50 percent abatement on transaction fees if they pay application Sparrow Tokens (SPO).

We affliction acutely about the aegis of our users and their assets. We accept partnered with BitGo, one of the best acclaimed and trusted custodians in the agenda asset amplitude to ensure that our users’ assets are kept secure.

“Sparrow would like to acknowledge our admired ally and communities for their abiding support. We attending advanced to introducing added avant-garde articles and casework to the agenda assets bazaar that accredit anybody to barter with confidence.”

About Sparrow

Sparrow | is the arch options trading platform, accouterment the simplest way to ascendancy accident and monetize your agenda assets. Trade with aplomb on the world’s best options trading belvedere powered by acute contracts.

Headquartered in Singapore, Sparrow offers fully-customizable options acclimatized by acute arrangement in an automatic and easy-to-use trading interface. Professional traders will additionally be able to use Sparrow APIs for best performance. Sparrow aims to serve the needs of all traders by accouterment a advanced ambit of industry-leading trading tools.

Sparrow is backed by acclaimed organizations such as: Signum Capital, Hyperchain Capital, Kyber Network, LuneX Ventures, Arrington XRP Capital, Digital Currency Holdings, Du Capital, The Yozma Group, QCP Capital, 256 Ventures and Jubilee Capital who durably accept in the activity and accept committed to use Sparrow as their adopted ambiguity partner.

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