PR: Tronipay Launches Cross Border eCommerce Solution
press release

PR: Tronipay Launches Cross Border eCommerce Solution

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

The aerial advance of the bazaar has created new opportunities and admiring accomplished entrepreneurs to appear up with atypical business models application the blockchain technology, this is the archetype of Tronipay, a Fintech acquittal aggregation that specializes in online monetization solutions, online payments, merchants service, and e-wallet.

“We accept chip and advance acquittal methods beyond Latin America, in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina. Our API allows added adjustment band-aid beyond the apple and helps the Merchant to aggregate Locally a get achieve international. In Asia, Tronipay has chip Alipay and Union Pay”, says Paulo Samuels, COO of Tronipay.

Tronipay has extend options for cross-border eCommerce in Brazil for Boleto and agenda processing. Tronipay’s acquittal belvedere provides aperture services, processing and collecting, artifice blockage for both Brazilian and all-embracing merchants, Visa & MasterCard agenda processing, prepaid debit agenda solutions, cyberbanking and acquittal solutions and bill exchange.

Also, the aggregation has barrage its Tronipay (TRP) currency, that will be actual advantageous for users, back it will accept a abundant cogwheel of actuality a bill with burning clamminess through the TronipayCard, area users can abjure in ATM and buy worldwide. You can get your badge on,,,,, and anon it will be on added exchanges.

The cold of the TRP is to be an basic allotment of the Tronipay ecosystem, area barter can accept all the solutions for their business or claimed activity aural a distinct click. Living with banking abandon is a accommodation that cannot wait. Tronipay is the ideal solution, with a all-around belvedere area you can accomplish affairs in an agile, simplified and defended way.

“What makes our activity altered is that our TRP is not like any Token you accept seen. Our aggregation Tronipay has been in business back 2024, allowance all-embracing merchants to advertise locally in Latin America mainly in Brazil, our acquittal belvedere has chip acquittal solutions such as Visa, MasterCard and Amex”, says Paulo Samuels, COO of Tronipay.

In Brazil Tronipay is one of the better companies to action Boleto and accommodate an API for all-embracing merchant to acquire this acquittal method. Today we accept 13 thousand Tronipay user and over 100 Merchants processing through our acquittal belvedere and wallet.

Tronipay has a affiliation with China Union Pay for e-commerce agenda processing and POS band-aid in Latin America application Tronipay acquittal arrangement and accommodate POS terminals with UnionPay logo to food in Latin America.

Also, we acquire barrage Tronipay Union Pay Agenda that is acquire on ATM and POS worldwide. You can use your TronipayCard to abandonment banknote and to acquirement in food and the TRP is affiliated to our card.

Our belvedere allows authoritative altered portfolios of agenda assets and accepting admission to a mix of casework that includes deposits, payments, withdrawals and alteration of antithesis to added users. Security is affirmed by a adamant protocol, with added than 400 rules of analysis, ensuring that your abstracts and affairs are absolutely protected.

Tronipay is creating a accepted decentralized acceptability and assurance band-aid that works seamlessly with our UnionPay Card, area users can buy or abjure from anywhere in the apple in the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging acute arrangement technology. The agenda is accessible in

“Today we serve all Latin America and Asia, with acquittal processing, and with our cards, we can additionally ability every association of users of crypto-coins back our Tronipay Card-UnionPay is accustomed common for purchases and ATM withdrawals”, said Samuels.

The aggregation ambition is to break the problems of liquidity, sending and accepting of ethics to added countries presented by the added companies that currently accomplish globally, alms casework of excellence, with added advantages.

Tronipay accredit companies to ability their abounding abeyant in high-growth markets by transacting locally with basal operational acknowledgment and best reach.

Tronipay is authoritative every accomplishment to become the best acquittal processor in the world, consistently apropos the users and celebratory the legislation of the countries in which we operate. For added advice you can address us at [email protected]

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