PR: Viola.AI, the A.I Blockchain Marketplace for Love Partners with Matchmaking Institute to Bring Thousands of Trained Dating Experts from 46 Countries
press release

PR: Viola.AI, the A.I Blockchain Marketplace for Love Partners with Matchmaking Institute to Bring Thousands of Trained Dating Experts from 46 Countries

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The World’s First Blockchain-based Dating & Relationship Project Announces Major Partnership

The World’s First A.I-driven marketplace, Viola.AI is blessed to advertise the agitative and cardinal affiliation with Matchmaking Institute to accompany aboard bags of certified matchmakers and dating experts from over 46 countries from about the apple assimilate the platform’s ecosystem.

Matchmaking Institute, based in New York, is the alone accompaniment accountant matchmaking academy in the apple which has certified bags of matchmakers who again connected to alpha and advance on their own matchmaking businesses.

One of the key appearance of Viola.AI is Association Crowd Wisdom. Viola.AI works with its association to accomplish dating and accord agreeable for every user based on their accord stage. Through this accord with Matchmaking Institute, users can accretion admission to the matchmaking experts and professionals to ask questions, recommendations and alike appeal for their service, wherever they are in the world.

This affiliation has astronomic allowances for both Viola.AI and Matchmaking Institute. With the all-inclusive acquaintance and ability from the matchmakers, the association of Viola.AI will abound tremendously. While the matchmakers can collaborate and acquaint with singles who charge admonition and admonition on their dating adventure directly. Having bags of matchmakers and accord experts from over 46 countries additionally accredit them to action their accordant dating casework to the users in the aforementioned country.

Through the alternation and ability barter amid users and the certified matchmakers brought in by Matchmaking Institute, Viola.AI will apprentice from the best and accomplished rated answers and accolade the users and matchmakers with VIOLA tokens for their efforts and wisdom.

This will be the aboriginal time that Matchmaking Institute collaborates on an ICO project.

CEO & Co-Founder of Viola.AI Violet Lim said, “I am actual aflame to allotment this affiliation with Lisa and Matchmaking Institute. Being the aboriginal Asian to be certified by the Matchmaking Institute, my acceptance by the convention gave me a able foundation that set me on this adventure to alpha my dating aggregation Lunch Actually 13 years ago. I am assured that this partnership, forth with the arrangement of matchmakers and dating coaches advancing on lath will accompany amazing amount to the ecosystem of Viola.AI and advice billions of singles accomplish greater success in their dating journey!”

“What admiring me best to this accord is that our arrangement of matchmakers beneath the Matchmaking Institute will now be able to tap into a all-around ecosystem and association facilitated by Viola.AI. Together, we can now ability out to advice singles about the apple acquisition their constant happiness,” Founder & President of Matchmaking Institute, Lisa Clampitt concluded.

Founder & President of Matchmaking Institute, Lisa Clampitt will accompany Viola.AI as an advisor.

To apprehend added about The Matchmaking Institute, appointment their website here.
For those who accept not abutting our pre-Token Sales, you can do so here! (get 60% Bonus Tokens!)
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About Viola.AI
Viola.AI is an ever-improving, decentralized and defended A.I. Driven Marketplace that gives data-driven advice, recommendations, babysitter and matches to helps singles to be able and able in award adulation while additionally allowance couples to sustain and bigger their relationships with their cogent other.

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