Quantum-Resistant Token, Crown Sovereign (CSOV) Will Be Listed on Bitcoin.com Exchange
press release

Quantum-Resistant Token, Crown Sovereign (CSOV) Will Be Listed on Bitcoin.com Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Crown Sterlings Crown Sovereign badge CSOV a quantumresistant agenda asset will be listed on Bitcoincom Exchange in backward September This represents a anniversary for both parties one area Crown Sterlings CSOV badge will be listed on one of the worlds arch exchanges while the Bitcoincom Exchange aggregation will be the aboriginal CEX in the amplitude to account the badge CSOV will barter with BTC and USDT pairs

What is Crown Sterling in a nutshell?

Crown Sterling is clashing abounding added software companies in the space, it delivers Quantum-Resistant cryptography, by agency of assertive defended communications techniques with it’s accidental cardinal generators (RNGs), alongside its added encryption products. The aggregation has innovated the acclaimed and scalable Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) encryption software bore by replacing accessible prime cardinal clandestine keys with aerial anarchy non-repeating aberrant cardinal acquired clandestine keys. Its purpose, ultimately as a software house, is to change the face of agenda aegis and advance the approaching of Self-Sovereign Blockchain and NFT technology. Its artefact apartment serves this purpose. By engineering the aboriginal applicable One-Time Pad encryption module, CrownEncryptOTP (TM), and complimenting it by agency of architecture the world’s quantum-proof agenda asset. The proof, though, is in the product:

What is CSOV?

The Crown Sovereign Badge (CSOV) is a cryptocurrency ultimately angry to Crown Sterling’s CrownEncryptOTP, complimenting one addition with the account to ensure the alone and merchant’s aegis of acute information. Badge Holders use CSOV to pay for the (Quantum) defended manual of their abstracts with anniversary transaction. This is aloof one archetype of CSOV’s account aural the Crown Sterling ecosystem, the aggregation created by Robert Grant and his aggregation of mathematicians and physicists. The ambit for creating the badge was focused about abstracts sovereignty, one aspect the industry needs appropriate now, due to cogent aloofness and vulnerability issues. It’s time bodies accretion ascendancy of their own abstracts already again, which is the primary mission of Crown Sterling and its technologies.

Strong Endorsement

Danish Chaudhry, CEO of Bitcoin.com Exchange, aggregate his angle on CSOV’s accessible listing, adage that: “The Crown Sterling aggregation are accouterment a belvedere and artefact apartment which is currently article the industry needs, and with such complication that you rarely acquisition in the apple today.”

Chaudhry continues on by saying: “We’re actual aflame to see how CSOV will abide to empower their vision, and accretion added beat with our outstanding association at the barter already listed in September.”

Robert Grant, CEO at Crown Sterling bidding his activity about the accessible advertisement of CSOV assimilate the exchange, by stating: “We are actual aflame that with this advertisement our Self-Sovereign Blockchain and Cryptography articles will accretion added bazaar access.”


About Bitcoin.com Exchange

The mission of Bitcoin.com Barter is to empower bodies from all over the apple to barter cryptocurrencies with affluence and confidence, from first-time traders to avant-garde trading professionals. With aerial liquidity, 24/7 multilingual abutment and dozens of trading pairs, complemented with a aerial akin of security, we action an adorable belvedere for trading any cryptocurrency. Within one year back launch, on average, our barter has been visited by added than 500K alive traders per month, and growing.


About Crown Sterling

Crown Sterling delivers abutting bearing software-based, Quantum Resistant cryptography in the anatomy of accidental cardinal generators and encryption products. From aberrant numbers that improve absolute cryptography, to leading-edge encryption articles and developer tools, Crown Sterling is alteration the face of agenda aegis with its non-integer-based products. Crown Sterling’s Mission: Personal Data Sovereignty.

For added information, amuse appointment Crown Sterling online at www.crownsterling.io.


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