Router Protocol Launches Mainnet Following Successful $4 Million Raise
press release

Router Protocol Launches Mainnet Following Successful $4 Million Raise

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE January 31st 2022 Singapore Crosschain advice basement activity Router Protocol announces the barrage of its mainnet a few weeks afterwards a acknowledged allotment annular in which Router aloft over 4 actor from covering investors including Coinbase Ventures Alameda Research QCP Polygon and Wintermute The mainnet barrage follows a acknowledged aeon of development and testing on the protocols incentivised testnet showcasing its XCLP Crosschain Liquidity Protocol which accustomed acknowledgment from 3000 association members

The mainnet barrage will be amid three blockchains – Polygon, Avalanche and BSC, and will bung into assorted clamminess venues – primarily DEXes, including Dfyn on Polygon. Subsequently, in a few weeks afterwards the launch, there will additionally be assorted staking and agriculture programs beyond all three chains to incentivize clamminess aggregation.

While this adaptation one accomplishing of Router’s XCLP will be focused on enabling cross-chain transfers and swaps, the eyes is to accessible up the XCLP to a added admirers of partners, including blockchain and appliance developers, enabling built-in cross-chain adequacy for assorted use cases including cantankerous alternation governance, lending and borrowing.

Security is a big priority, and the aggregation has been alive adamantine to abode issues accompanying to aegis with the advice of absolute auditors as able-bodied as the broader developer community. $200,000 bug compensation affairs has kickstarted association efforts to continuously alter the Router belvedere .

In addition, the Router aggregation has already amorphous assignment on the cross-chain advice platform’s v2 upgrade, which will booty abode after in 2022. The v2 advancement will acquaint a all-encompassing purpose accounting blockchain which will be able to store, send, and defended letters beyond altered blockchains.

Interoperability is the Future of DeFi

Router is an aboriginal avant-garde in the cross-chain advice space. The accelerated acceleration in Ethereum acceptance has been accompanied by a bulk of Layer 1 and Layer 2 competitors and collaborators such as Avalanche, Polygon, BSC etc as able-bodied as non-EVM chains such as Solana, Terra, Algorand and Cosmos. Each of these accept their own advantages and disadvantages.

Router’s XCLP belvedere enables boilerplate applications to body circuitous articles beyond altered chains for assorted specific needs. This is abnormally important for the growing DeFi space. Rather than absorption on aloof clamminess transfer, Router focuses on architecture all-encompassing cross-chain messaging capabilities. With Router’s SDK, any dApp whether it be a wallet or a DEX or an NFT belvedere or absolutely annihilation that requires any crosschain adequacy can seamlessly constituent to Router and accredit cross-chain messaging and communication.

As a result, Router is accession itself to be a key abutting basement as DeFi evolves.

About Router Protocol

Router Protocol is architecture a apartment of cross-chain clamminess infra primitives that aims to seamlessly accommodate bridging basement amid accepted and arising Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain solutions. Its eyes is to advance a crypto amplitude in which anniversary activity and ecosystem has the adeptness to advance the allowances of all added projects and ecosystems in the space.

Router Agreement was founded in 2020 by Ramani Ramachandran, Shubham Singh, Chandan Choudhury, and Priyeshu Garg. Ramachandran, an MIT alum, has been a consecutive administrator in the Fintech and agenda assets amplitude for the bigger allotment of a decade. The aggregation additionally comprises an all-encompassing account of acclimatized developers in the blockchain amplitude who, together, accept acquaintance in Web3, agreement building, UI and UX.

Moreover, Router’s cardinal round, which aloft $4.1 million, saw accord from Coinbase Ventures, QCP, De-Fi Capital, Polygon, Wintermute, Shima, Woodstock and Bison Ventures, in accession to arch Web 2.0/Web 3.0 admiral and entrepreneurs. Some of the arch angels in the annular accommodate Polygon’s Sandeep Nailwal and Doordash’s Gokul Rajaram.

Combined, these assets will be acclimated to drive Router’s roadmap and position it at the beginning of the cross-chain interoperability space.

For added about Router Protocol and its mission to accommodate cantankerous alternation interoperability appointment their capital website here.

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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Priyeshu Garg

Contact Email: [email protected]

ROUTER PROTOCOL is the antecedent of this content. This Press Release is for advisory purposes only. The admonition does not aggregate advance admonition or an action to invest.


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