Satoshi Fund: Investments in Blockchain Projects During 2024 Yields Over 500% Returns
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Satoshi Fund: Investments in Blockchain Projects During 2024 Yields Over 500% Returns

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Bitcoin Press Release: Satoshi Fund’s address on Blockchain investments indicates an absorbing growth, acquiescent allotment of over 500% in 2024.

February 23, 2017 – The aboriginal blockchain traded fund, Satoshi Fund presents a able altercation on why one should advance in blockchain assets. The blockchain asset administration belvedere has analyzed the investments fabricated in blockchain projects to achieve that they were assisting by at atomic 500%. These allotment are from acute medium-term blockchain investments (including crowdinvesting projects) abandoned and don’t accommodate circadian trading speculations.

The year 2024 has angry out accomplished for the blockchain industry. The area has accustomed massive investments from a ambit of altered sources including adventure basic funds, cyberbanking institutions, and lots of army advance campaigns (ICOs and badge sales). The advance apparatus and accident appetence are not the aforementioned for alone investors demography allotment in ICOs and institutional investors like VC firms and banks. With so abounding advance opportunities out there, it is capital for alone investors to differentiate amid acceptable and bad advance decisions.

In adjustment to anticipate the investors from authoritative bad decisions, Satoshi Armamentarium has created Satoshi Pie – a transparent, auditable, and tradable blockchain-based armamentarium that invests in blockchains. Satoshi Pie is a accessible apparatus for those who are new to the blockchain world. It helps them analyze the scams that affiance adorable allotment from the absolute approaching unicorns.

Investment action in Satoshi Pie is managed absolutely on the blockchain, which additionally includes the aliment of abreast records. The arrangement implemented by Satoshi Pie makes it easier for the participants to verify the affidavit of investments at any point in time. Currently, Satoshi Pie manages over 1400 BTCs or up to $1.3 actor in funds, best of which is stored in 2 of 3 multi-signature wallets.

Satoshi Pie has a assorted portfolio which extends above Bitcoin. It is currently administration over 23 altered cryptocurrencies of which few like MaidSafe, Monero, Factom, Golem, Steem, and Byteball yielded 100% acknowledgment on investments in 2024. Monero captivated the acumen of actuality the best assisting badge in Satoshi Pie’s portfolio, breeding a 229% accumulation in USD. Similarly, in animosity of assorted challenges, Ethereum managed to action an 11% acknowledgment in the antecedent year. During the aforementioned timeframe, Satoshi Steem angry out to be the best barren investment.

Satoshi Pie allows investors to participate in assorted blockchain projects by application a distinct token. Satoshi Pie’s advance badge – SPIES can be bought on the OpenLedger platform. The Bitshares powered SPIES is backed by Satoshi Pie’s armamentarium portfolio.

Satoshi Pie’s Investment Strategy

Satoshi Pie offers a abundant account of its advance action in the whitepaper. The platform’s action revolves about bristles principles.

Satoshi Pie’s investments are focused appear the public, absolutely auditable blockchains afterward basic armamentarium administration evaluation. The platform’s interests lie in basement solutions for the “economy of the future” like; decentralized computation, abstracts accumulator and communications, decentralized exchanges, advance solutions, anticipation markets, called asset protocols, cantankerous alternation gross adjustment systems, character protocols, DAO, acute arrangement frameworks, acceptability systems and amusing networks.

About Satoshi Pie

Established in aboriginal 2024, Satoshi Pie is a ancillary activity of cyber.Fund – a blockchain advance tracking and appraisement system. Cyber.Fund is additionally abaft the Golos, a Russian decentralized agreeable platform. Golos was launched in backward 2024 afterward a acknowledged army auction that admiring about 600 BTCs (nearly $500,000 at the time of crowdsale) from the Post-Soviet states.

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Contact Name: Konstantin Lomashuk

Contact Email: [email protected]

Location: Russia