Sensorium Galaxy Building the Mecca of Electronic Dance Music in Virtual Reality
press release

Sensorium Galaxy Building the Mecca of Electronic Dance Music in Virtual Reality

THELOGICALINDIAN - Sensorium strikes a battleground affiliation with the artistic force abaft Ibizas hottest nightlife venues and brands which top the official baronial of Worlds Best Clubs The move demonstrates Sensoriums charge to creating stateoftheart basic absoluteness clubbing adventures for belvedere users

Following Sensorium Corporation’s contempo advertisement on two arch cryptocurrency exchanges, KuCoin and HitBTC, the aggregation has appear a affiliation with arch nightlife apostle Yann Pissenem. This move will drive the development of a basic ‘nightclub’ branch committed alone to cyberbanking ball music aural the Sensorium Galaxy, the all-around amusing basic absoluteness and media platform.

Forbes has already ranked the Sensorium Galaxy in its top ten able technology projects, while a assuming at the 2024 Los Angeles E3 accident led to all-encompassing plaudits.

Recently Sensorium Corp additionally appear the absolute barrage of the activity via a Sensorium basic spaceship, and its crew, which was propelled into amplitude on a nine ages journey. The spaceship will bear the aboriginal anytime basic aggregation into the Sensorium Galaxy brilliant systems. The aboriginal planet they will reach, accessible to exploration, is the Planet of Music created in affiliation with Yann Pissenem.

Today’s affiliation advertisement underscores Sensorium’s charge to accouterment users with the ultimate in basic absoluteness cyberbanking music and nightlife adventures via 3D amusing basic reality. Pissenem is committed to bringing his different abilities and ability to ensure the best basic absoluteness clubbing acquaintance accessible is accessible on the Sensorium platform. This is added borne out by the listings on the crypto exchanges of its Senso tokens in which users and third parties will use the tokens to buy in-game items and additionally actualize new basic environments.

Brian Kean, Chief Communication Officer Sensorium Corporation, says: “Pissenem is one of the key abstracts to accept shaped the world’s avant-garde clubbing mural and today over three actor bodies a year are admiring to his projects in Ibiza. He has been active in axis Ibiza into the iconic destination for night clubbers from all over the world. His Ushuaïa Ibiza and Hï Ibiza venues accept additionally become the abode residences for some of the best acclaimed DJs on the planet, including David Guetta, Calvin Harris and Martin Garrix. Both venues accept been accustomed as the World’s Best Club for the aftermost three years by the International Nightlife Association, as able-bodied as some of the world’s best apparent club brands.”

“With Sensorium Galaxy, cyberbanking music admirers who can’t consistently booty the cruise to Ibiza can now adore what this advancing bistro arena has to action and their acquaintance will not be bound by concrete boundaries acknowledgment to Sensorium’s basic reality. They can bead appropriate into a pulsating cyberbanking club arena and collaborate with accompany as if in the absolute world.”

As allotment of the partnership, Pissenem is bringing on lath ten of the world’s top cyberbanking music artists and DJs to coact with Sensorium Galaxy.

Yann Pissenem said: “I’ve consistently enjoyed actuality acutely complex in new developments for the nightlife industry. As the Ibiza club scene, area abundant of my activity has been channelled over the years, is now at the all-around beginning of cyberbanking music and clubbing, accepting the befalling to agglutinate this apple with Sensorium Galaxy to actualize a new amusing basic absoluteness is electrifying.
This is a abundant befalling to accompany the best of the all-around club arena to millions of users about the world. Amusing basic absoluteness is a step-change in the change of advice amid bodies and it’s absurd to be actively complex in allowance to drive this abolitionist change in how we collaborate with anniversary added forward”.

In accession to the affiliation with Yann Pissenem, Sensorium Corporation has today additionally appear that its World of Electronic Music’s beheld architecture was conceptualized by the acclaimed London-based artistic and assembly flat Aerial Scream, run by abstracted French artistic Romain Pissenem, brother of Yann. Legendary brothers accept an all-encompassing clue almanac of alive calm on aerial contour projects.

High Scream has all-inclusive activity acquaintance in creating some of the better ball and bartering productions of the aftermost decade with the brand of Disney, Nike, Coca-Cola, Burberry, and some of the better names in ball music such as David Guetta, Calvin Harris, Swedish House Mafia and Martin Garrix. High Scream is additionally amenable for creating the iconic date designs and shows at Hï Ibiza and Ushuaïa Ibiza.

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