SharkRace Club: NFT Project With Rarity Upgrade and Play-to-Earn Metaverse 3D Game
press release

SharkRace Club: NFT Project With Rarity Upgrade and Play-to-Earn Metaverse 3D Game

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE SharkRace Club different 20241 allotment abundant NFT Sharks accumulating was created by highprofile Cannes Lions awarded artists who accept formed with top analogy brands including Disney and created key visuals for the Olympics

Collectible NFT Sharks with Rarity advancement Platform

NFT Shark accumulating is based on the BSC blockchain and has over 1,000 hand-drawn attributes to accommodate one-of-a-kind buying acquaintance for every NFT Shark buyer. All NFT Sharks will be about called and delivered to their corresponding owners as an ultra-high 4K resolution angel (2400×2400). NFT Shark owners will be able to use the Aberration Advancement Platform to advancement their NFT Shark and access its aberration index.

NFT Shark owners can annual from super-rare characteristics and GIF action casework accessible in the Aberration Store, acceptance them to addition their aberration and utility. Club associates will be able to analysis out several items in the abundance and see whether it fits their NFT Shark or not, by application the Dressing Room feature. Each accent comes as a abstracted attenuate BEP-721 NFT. An absolutely new NFT Shark angel is created with the appropriate encoded in the acute contract. The owner’s annual will be adapted with the new angel and associated metadata.

SharkRace Club accumulating excellent will be appear on March 3, 2022.

SharkRace Club

The SharkRace Club, which is accessible to all NFT Shark holders customers, offers a advanced ambit of benefits, including:

Shark Race Game

Shark Chase is a apple of able and barbarous sharks aggressive for the RaceBank and different NFT prizes abysmal bottomward the shark’s metaverse. Cross-platform play-to-earn 3D bold uses appropriate gaming meta-sharks and BEP-1155 NFT. Built on Unreal Engine 4, this is a bold with breath-taking challenges area participants can earn, try their luck and adore the race. Players can get added skills, lives, boosters, etc. and baddest one of the three types of meta-sharks which clothing their gaming appearance best. The bold provides a abundant way to acquire money with aught ascribe aloof by affairs in-game artifacts which you accept acquired through the race. In the accumulation tournament, the award-winning armamentarium will be generated by the SharkRace belvedere sales. Additionally, players will be able to admit their own team-play with bids provided by them. Various leagues and alluring advance will be appear in the Shark Race.

SharkRace aggregation has a abundant blockchain expertise, accepting advised the Tizer crypto wallet. It is awful envisaged that bluff antagonism will become a all-around abnormality and will be attainable in the additional division of 2022


SharkRace Club has one-billion-coin activity bread (SHRK) accumulation on the BSC blockchain. SharkCoin may be acclimated for assorted purposes, including affairs an NFT, aberration enhancements, in-game purchases, bazaar transactions, and additionally can be staked.


SharkRace Club badge IDO is due on 22 February 2022 on Seedify, Enjinstarter, Oxbull, Gemstarter launchpads. NFT accumulating pre-sale and INO – 1st of March, 2022. NFT Sharks accumulating excellent will be on 3rd of March, 2022. Rarity Upgrade Platform will barrage in March 2022. The SharkRace play-to-earn bold starts in April 2022 with single-play and will be continuously developed with multi-play, altered modes, leagues, bids. Two above association acclamation will booty abode in September 2022 and January 2023. Q2 abutting year is planned for the cybersport gaming bore and interoceanic bluff accord with added amateur and babyish sharks NFT collection.

About SharkRace Club

The SharkRace Club combines the best abreast technology. NFT art and a play-to-earn NFT bold are chip into a common two-in-one activity that provides best account and amusement for its users.

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