Solve.Care Calls Upon the Crypto Community to Provide Aid to Ukrainian Families Displaced by War
press release

Solve.Care Calls Upon the Crypto Community to Provide Aid to Ukrainian Families Displaced by War

THELOGICALINDIAN - SolveCare has accustomed affliction apartment to anon abutment those in charge on the arena in Ukraine

Solve.Care, the all-around healthcare belvedere aggregation with a attendance in Ukraine, today alleged on the blockchain and crypto association to advice armamentarium an action that is accouterment acting safe apartment for families displaced by the war. Solve. Care’s capital appointment in Ukraine is anchored in axial Kyiv. However, above-mentioned to the aggression of Russian armament into the country, the aggregation abandoned its aggregation associates and their families as a basic admeasurement to the western allotment of the country abreast the Polish border.

Solve.Care Members are Seeking to Set Up More Shelters in the Southwest of Ukraine

The Solve.Care Team in Western Ukraine saw the issues actuality faced by displaced bodies accepting boilerplate to stay. They mobilized, and alive calm with bounded authorities and added volunteers, organized the following:

However, the charge is growing every day; cardinal of displaced bodies from the war are fast abutting two actor and still rising. Solve.Care associates on the arena are gluttonous to set up added shelters in the southwest of Ukraine, abreast the borders of Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland. A committed website has been set up, seeking funds so that a lot added displaced families can be supported.

Solve.Care CEO, Pradeep Goel said:

“I alarm aloft the blockchain and crypto association to angle in to advice the multitudes who are displaced by this batty war. We are actuality anon on the ground, giving absolute and actual advice to those who charge it. We are not an NGO or a government organization. We are an IT aggregation with the adeptness and authoritative abilities to apparatus this bound and effectively. Every cent that is donated to this account will be spent on apartment and agriculture families. There are no middlemen, no authoritative costs, or overhead.”

Mr.Goel added:

“I would additionally like to extend my acknowledgment to Dr. David Randall of the American Research Policy Institute (ARPI) for accordant to handle authorization donations so that donations from the US can be tax-deductible.”

The Government Blockchain Association (GBA), which has over 6 thousand registered alone and authoritative associates in 120 cities about the world, has additionally appear out in abutment of this initiative.

Solve.Care is a all-around healthcare belvedere aggregation that redefines affliction coordination, improves admission to care, reduces account administering costs, and helps abate artifice and decay in healthcare about the world. The .Care belvedere allows for agenda bloom networks alleged Affliction Networks, to be congenital and run, for patient-centric affliction based on medical conditions, bread-and-butter and amusing needs, and added tailored accommodation criteria, creating an absolute healthcare ecosystem. It is additionally the aboriginal aggregation in the apple to auspiciously arrange agenda bill and blockchain technology for value-based healthcare payments. Solve.Care is a assorted award-winning company, accepting accolades such as: ‘Most Innovative Blockchain Project Award’ at the Blockchain Life 2019 Forum, ‘Top Innovative Blockchain Solution’ and ‘Top Outstanding Project’ at the 2019 Apple Blockchain Awards, BRI’s ‘Industry Solution of the Year 2020’, SSOW Impact Awards’ ‘Technology of the Year 2020’, and abounding more.