Sticker Culture NFT “Meta Pylon” will Launch the World’s First Sticker Feature
press release

Sticker Culture NFT “Meta Pylon” will Launch the World’s First Sticker Feature

THELOGICALINDIAN - Meta Pylon will become accessible for acquirement from July 2022

Meta Pylon announced the world’s aboriginal affection to animate NFT holders to participate in the Metaverse. This affection recognizes NFTs captivated by users as stickers and attaches them to 3D altar to actualize absolutely new NFTs. This is actuality done through its 5,555 on-chain alternate NFT articles that it is alms for mint.

Meta Pylon Creates a New Potential Market

Meta Pylon is a Japanese NFT that combines artery and subculture to actualize a different acquaintance of announcement NFTs aural the metaverse. By alms 3D cones via NFTs, it allows users to affectation their in-wallet NFTs to others, creating a added amusing acquaintance for all.

Given how accepted the metaverse is acceptable and how users are generally beggared of the adventitious to appearance others their NFTs, the activity is attractive to break a different industry problem.

Typically, back an NFT is purchased by a consumer, it is captivated alone in their wallet and there is little befalling to appearance it off to anyone, Pylon NFTs fix this issue.

These NFTs are the agenda cones that added NFTs can be absorbed to. By adhering the NFT to Pylon, users can actualize their own aboriginal 3D Pylon. It is a absolutely new way to advertise their NFT collection. Additionally, users can put the 3D Pylon in the metaverse. Meta Pylon has additionally able an Aboriginal Sticker Backpack by accommodating with assorted creators, added NFT Projects, and artists. Each buyer will get the sticker pack.

Meta Pylon is a accumulating (information), a context, and a symbol. Being able to appearance them off, their disability to be removed and the actuality of the sticker is the owner’s status. Meta Pylon is a allegory for the owners in the Metaverse.

The activity is aggravating to actualize new appeal in the accepted market, which is bedeviled by accumulating NFTs such as PFPs, by alms an article of accession NFTs. Combining assorted NFTs to actualize new NFTs will drive the trend. In abreast future, Meta Pylon will actualize absolute pylons with NFT stickers not alone in the Metaverse, but additionally in the absolute world, and arrange them to users. The apple of Meta Pylon will be completed by absolute aback and alternating amid the Metaverse and the absolute world.

Meta Pylon will become accessible for acquirement from July 2022.

Meta Pylon is armed with NFT flat “WoOLTRAKEY”, The aggregation includes a collage artisan Q-TA who has ahead formed on Gucci’s #GucciGram activity and the Disney campaign, ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’.

As per management, the eyes of the activity is for it to become “a attribute of creativity, culture, and freedom”. “WoOLTRAKEY” will coact with abounding NFTs and creators through Meta Pylon to accommodate assorted means to comedy with the association by extending it in absolute amplitude and in the metaverse.”