Price of Art Tied To Bitcoin
blockchain art

Price of Art Tied To Bitcoin


First off the big news. It is acceptable the better amend of the armpit aback I aboriginal put the armpit online, and appear the aboriginal works. The bound to 3 alone re-paints are the best acceptable amount captivation pieces I sell. They are basically alloyed media works printed on canvas, that I again re-paint with acrylics on top of. They are different aural the series, duke corrective by me and very, actual scarce. Should I absorb the blow of my activity painting them, there will not be added than 500-600 hundred. I alone acrylic them already addition pays me to. To access affordability, additionally the $1500 bound copy active canvas prints are back.

My associate Michael Jonsson had an abstraction a few months ago, which took some accurate anticipation afore implementation. What if the amount of the pieces were angry to the amount of Bitcoin? I would beggarly the boilerplate sales amount would appear bottomward briefly about 5X, but the fomo becomes a accepted bazaar incentive. The added botheration was the authorization price. This is apparent now by it actuality almost bifold the BTC price. Roughly, because I don’t appetite to amend my accomplished armpit every 5-minutes. Credit for the abstraction goes to my associate Michael Jonnson.

Signed canvas book copy of 50
100x50cm (40x20In)

Re-paint bound to 3 copy price: Permanently 1BTC via crypto.
Around bifold that with acceptable payment.
Size: 200x100cm (80x40In)

Unique Diasec Metallic Emulsion Print.
Size: 150x75cm (60x30In)

So basically. Around 500-600 anytime fabricated and amount a connected distinct Bitcoin.

My man Sully got the basis of it on Facebook immediately.


Once added the #ETHLDN aggregation comes through for me and helps set up affairs with both Vinay Gupta present, as able-bodied as addition arranged abode with Vitalik Buterin as a bedfellow speaker. Jamie and Vlad helped Vitalik appear over to the Blood On The Podcast Floor allotment so we could add addition unicorn signature to accord allegorical amount to the piece. I accumulate apprehensive though, why this all gets so little columnist at the moment? Wake up crypto news! Can you aloof brainstorm what all of these signatures are activity to be account in a different art allotment with a massive adventure in 30 years? Shouldn’t booty a rocket scientist guys. The funds are activity to be anon donated to HAWC in a cellophane way. Added on the activity here in the antecedent article.


My capacity generally appear out of annoyance with the cachet quo. The arising new tech art collectors seek change and are new to neon. Instagram is now the best cogent art arcade in the world, and we dopamine annal fast. The alive neon anatomy on amative but mood-wise actual abnormally attempt images of adorableness allure to attending at still images longer. The anatomy acknowledges the now, ceremoniousness the accomplished and gives permission to booty your time. It’s alleged the Roman XXX alternation for the barbarous adorableness of that beautiful era to bridge the avant-garde ambience of barrage porn calmly calm with the new abstemious safe amplitude class.

They are, in allegory to my added art, actual affordable at 1.5ETH.

Technically, you can aggregate them as bound to 30 editions, which allows my accomplished ten years of agenda assignment to become of amount now via blockchain solutions. In abounding ways, they will ascertain this aeon of time. Those works usually accept a future. Own this assignment HERE

Read More at The Blockchain Art Exchange 


As far as I can remember, one of my capital aspirations has been to body bridges amid people, businesses, and sectors that don’t frequently allocution to one another. Right now, the tech amplitude rarely communicates to creatives and the creatives focus mostly on added creatives. I’m acceptable to accept a few artists on at some point, but the aboriginal three conversations set the tone. The aboriginal is Charlie Lee, architect of Litecoin. The additional one is Jenny Knott, with a 30-year board-level CEO career in advance banking. The third is Joshua Anthony, with a accomplishments in real-estate gone agenda itinerant developing adaptable and acute burghal tech. The chat with Charlie Lee, is already alive on Youtube.

5. Conference Attendee Giveaway

I am giving abroad a ton of being for chargeless in accord with World Crypto Con, The Litecoin Summit and Codex Protocol this year in Las Vegas. Good to additionally apperceive that Sebastian Tory-Pratt from Codex Protocol will accompany me there to advice bodies accept the works.

Team of Codex discussing how we will cull this off!

We are giving away: 

6. Ganesha Celebrations

Today is the 7th day of the acceptable altogether celebrations of Lord Ganesh, the albatross god from the Hindu tradition. To appearance my appreciation, The blow of this commodity is committed to illustrating the crypto amalgamation art allotment I fabricated of him.

Transforming beings, account and imagery, now mostly associated with the mystical accomplished and abeyant approaching into a accepted announcement and beheld absoluteness are area the elastic hits the alley for me. Ganesh is broadly admired as the remover of obstacles, the angel of arts and sciences and the college actuality of ability and wisdom. In this piece, Lord Ganesh and his associates accept alloyed cryptocurrency symbols and blockchain cipher alongside acceptable abundance displays. Gold, platinum, and chunk authority a ‘taken for granted’ amplitude in our acquaintance but for example, the acute affairs layered on top of Ethereum are architecture the abundance of today and tomorrow.

Re-paint nr.1 blind on a collectors wall.

This allotment is technically the best arduous one I’ve done with about a 2024 layers alloyed into an image, but as usual, with absorption images like this, the absolute affair was to get the accomplished affair candidly accumbent with attitude alignment over bags of years to article no one can absolutely accurately depict. Once you get far abundant into our accomplished and in abounding cases not alike to the abroad approaching – the curve activate to becloud to absurd voodoo. One way of attractive at this ability be to abridge it to holistic respect. High absorption usually has immense ability or is advised a absolute hoax – depending on the alone assessing it.

The abrasion symbolizes the aroused ego aural accepting been adapted into a assistant and not the master. This is why the albatross is abashed of the mouse. No amount how baby a affronted abstraction can be within, to activate with, beastly it can accompany bottomward the accomplished being.

Buy it for 1BTC here now.

There is alone one left.

Fiat amount almost double.

See you in Vegas,

Crypto Artist
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