SURVIVE: Only One Will Last in the Metaverse
press release

SURVIVE: Only One Will Last in the Metaverse

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE SURVIVE is activity to accommodate the Metaverse Its a amalgam amid liveaction and openworld amateur Think of GTA 5 with a 3D Metaverse area you can comedy for chargeless and acquire money

SURVIVE is backed by NFT Global, a acclaimed NFT platform. This affiliation is accessible to agitate the accomplished Metaverse bold industry. Their ambition is to actualize a bold that will access an absolute bearing and accompany play-to-earn amateur into the mainstream.

The accord amid an accomplished bold developer aggregation and an already absolute crypto activity (NFT Global) with a bazaar cap of several actor is a different and appropriate combination, accessible to accompany a confusing and advocate bold to the market. In addition, NFTG has a massive association of 200,000 associates beyond all amusing media channels.

The all-around gaming bazaar was admired at USD 173.70 billion in 2024, and it is accepted to ability a amount of USD 546 billion by 2026. In 2024 alone, players spent a whopping 61,000,000,000 USD (61B USD) on in-game items but accustomed annihilation back. The gaming industry is immense but flawed, congenital on biased models that absolute user ownership. It’s time to change this, instead giving players buying and ascendancy of their in-game items.

Over the months, we accept apparent amazing advance in the crypto world. From Gala (GALA) accomplishing a 480X, AXIE accomplishing a 260X to MANA accomplishing 63X. For example, if you had invested a thousand dollars (1000USD) on the 1st of January 2024, you were authoritative multiples of 480, 260, and 63, respectively. I bet you don’t appetite to absence a agnate befalling with SURVIVE.


SURVIVE will accept pre-sale in anatomy of a fair barrage starting from 12th of February 2022. It ensures that everybody has according admission to the badge administration and it has no vesting aeon for investors. Also, you will be able to win 250’000 USD account of $SURV disconnected and broadcast to ten participants of the pre-sale.

SURVIVOR NFT Characters are addition affair to attending out for as they barrage by March 2022. These NFTs could be account over $100,000 or added in the abreast future, like agnate projects accept accurate before. So, I bet you don’t appetite to absence out on these acceptable buys.

Based in Switzerland, the SURVIVE aggregation comprises top bold developers with 10 years of acquaintance creating amateur with beauteous visuals and addictive gameplay, complemented by a accumulation of blockchain & business experts with acquaintance in all aspects of blockchain technology. The aggregation additionally consists of adept blockchain admiral with a portfolio of abounding acknowledged projects.

With their awful accomplished and accomplished aggregation of over 20 members, you can be abiding that the aggregation at SURVIVE is accomplishing aggregate to accomplish your investments worthwhile.


“SURVIVE – Only one will last” is a different open-world bold developed in cooperation with the players and will continuously be updated. SURVIVE Metaverse is disconnected into Meta City and No-Go-Area.

A decentralized free alignment (DAO) governs Meta City, area $SURV badge holders ascendancy the calendar and vote on policies; for example, the rules on acreage auctions and what types of agreeable are accustomed in the Metaverse. The ambition is to body an eco-system about Meta City that will be accessible on all platforms like PlayStation Network, Apple App Store, Android Play Store, Mac, and Windows.


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