The Death of the Traditional Savings Account: BitMEX EARN Launches More 14% APR Products for Tether
press release

The Death of the Traditional Savings Account: BitMEX EARN Launches More 14% APR Products for Tether

THELOGICALINDIAN - At a time back aggrandizement is damaging the purchasing ability of authorization currencies articles like BitMEX EARN are confined an important role in a traders strategy

BitMEX, one of the world’s arch crypto derivatives platforms, is ablution addition high-return BitMEX EARN artefact today afterward a able acknowledgment from its users and the crypto association which saw them become absolutely subscribed.

BitMEX is a Next-Generation Cryptocurrency Trading Platform, which Supports Leveraged Trading Via Perpetual and Futures Contracts

BitMEX EARN is artlessly bigger than added acquire programmes offered by competitors because:

The market-leading absorption offered (current 14% APR is decidedly college than battling products).

Its ante are absolutely backed by the BitMEX allowance fund, one of the better in the industry in upwards of US$1.5 billion.

No staking requirements are all-important to accept the banderole rate, acceptation every user is advantaged to the aforementioned amount (unlike aggressive products, which alone alleviate top ante for top stakers).

Starting from today, users can subscribe to the beneath artefact with the accessible USDT antithesis in their barter wallets, or through absolute deposits to the BitMEX platform.

EARN up to 14% APR: For the best USDT deposit, BitMEX users will be able to acquire about USDT 3 thousand by maturity. Multiple articles will be offered, crumbling afterwards 30 days. Deposits are capped at USDT 250 thousand per user.

Alexander Höptner, CEO of BitMEX, said:

“Clever investors are no best clearing for low distinct chiffre interest-bearing articles offered in acceptable finance, and are instead axis to crypto firms like BitMEX to acquire aerial absorption on their Tether/USDT. At a time back aggrandizement is damaging the purchasing ability of authorization currencies, articles like BitMEX EARN are confined an important role in a trader’s strategy. Our EARN artefact is the best on the bazaar because what you see is what you get – no deceptively aerial ante alone apart by staking, and absolutely backed by our allowance fund.”

BitMEX is the next-generation cryptocurrency trading platform, which supports leveraged trading via Perpetual and Futures Contracts. Our mission is to professionalize the trading of cryptocurrency derivatives. We action a fast, safe, and aqueous way to barter and barrier cryptocurrency risk.