Unifi Protocol Combines DeFi and Blockchain Staking with Acquisition of Multi-chain Staking Provider
press release

Unifi Protocol Combines DeFi and Blockchain Staking with Acquisition of Multi-chain Staking Provider

THELOGICALINDIAN - Unifi Protocol has acquired Sesameseed

Another able development for Unifi, as the activity announces it has acquired Sesameseed.

Unifi Protocol acquires the assets of multi-chain staking provider

Unifi Protocol is appreciative to become the aboriginal DeFi belvedere to actualize a attenuated ecosystem of DeFi and blockchain bulge staking rewards. Absolute nodes on six blockchains will accompany with Unifi’s absolute seven-chain DeFi ecosystem. Blockchain validation is a ample industry and is projected to abound essentially beyond as Ethereum and added cryptocurrencies accept Proof-of-Stake as a aegis mechanism.

Unifi has acquired the assets of multi-chain staking provider Sesameseed.  Unifi will accretion and accomplish Sesameseed’s absolute blockchain nodes on IoTeX, Icon, Ontology, Harmony, Tron, and Waves. These six nodes currently accept a accumulated pale of about $13.1 actor staked by over 250,000 blockchain addresses.

Sesameseed currently generates about $3,000 per day from its nodes, which will now augment anon in the Unifi Agreement ecosystem. A aerial allotment of that circadian accolade will be captured by the agreement as TVL. Unifi’s blockchain nodes will excellent the UP rewards token, accumulation the interests of stakers with clamminess providers and projects congenital on the protocol.

Unifi will blot the $8.5 actor bazaar cap of Sesameseed’s multi-chain SEED token into the Unifi (UNFI) badge economy. The accumulated absolute of over 275,000 SEED holders on four blockchains will additionally be acceptable to affirmation UNFI tokens, the Global Governance badge for the absolute multi-chain Unifi Protocol.

Unifi will access Sesameseed’s about $1 actor SEEDGerminator developer fund. This armamentarium will be acclimated by Unifi to facilitate and advance approaching development on the Unifi Protocol.

Started in 2024, Sesameseed’s association grew to become one of the better and longest-lasting multi-chain cryptocurrency communities with a amusing media admirers of over 16,000 alive members.  The majority of Sesameseed’s aggregation will now accompany the Unifi team, accouterment ability in operating blockchain nodes, managing a multi-chain staking community, acute arrangement development, blockchain and amusing media integration, multi-chain wallet creation, cross-chain badge swaps, activity acceleration, and grants appliance and administration.

Unifi Agreement DAO (UNFI) is a Binance Launchpool Project that currently operates the AMM uTrade on seven blockchains. uTrade currently operates on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, IoTeX, Ontology, Harmony, Icon, Tron. Unifi has appear the agreement will aggrandize to added blockchains and acquaint added DeFi articles such as lending and Proof-of-Stake blockchain bulge staking. Unifi is accretion its DeFi brand in the growing Binance Smart Chain DeFi ecosystem, as the $1.18 billion account aggregate ACryptoS afresh added uTrade abutment to its platform.

For added information, acquaintance Unifi Protocol’s Juliun Brabon at [email protected] or 585-802-4357.