Unique Cardano Stablecoin: ADADAO to Hold a Public Sale on KICK․IO
press release

Unique Cardano Stablecoin: ADADAO to Hold a Public Sale on KICK․IO

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE 19th January 2022 Tallinn Estonia Many acclimatized crypto analysts accept been taken ashamed by the contempo arrival of avant-garde projects to the Cardano amplitude However admitting the ecosystems action one of the factors attached accumulation acceptance has consistently been an absence of a acclaimed attainable and volatilityfree stablecoin

That’s why KICK.IO launchpad is awfully appreciative to host the accessible auction of ADADAO ($ADAO), the world’s aboriginal interest-free stablecoin protocol, which leverages built-in Cardano assets for the conception of absolutely collateralized stablecoins. ADADAO is currently the alone stablecoin activity based on interest-free borrowing and is accepted to become an basic allotment of the approaching Cardano ecosystem.

$ADAO is the Protocol’s babyminding token, which allows holders to vote on important changes, such as abacus a new accessory asset blazon with a different set of accident parameters, allotment the set of Oracle feeds, triggering an emergency shutdown, advance the system, or authoritative admired suggestions on how to advance the project.

ADADAO additionally offers non-custodial vaults, with every $AUSD absolutely backed by on-chain collateral, and has taken every anticipation to ensure the candor of its solution. ADADAO Agreement combines acceptable babyminding with accurate agreement architecture (the Liquidation Ratio, Debt Ceilings, Babyminding Aegis Module, Oracle Aegis Module, Emergency Shutdown, and so on) to ensure best aegis and abate awful exploits.

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Public Sale on KICK.IO

ADADAO’s accessible auction will bang off on January 25, 5 PM UTC and will run until 2 February, 5 PM UTC. Mark the date to abstain the accident of missing out.

Ticker: $ADAO
Price: $0.025
KYC: Yes
Public auction alpha date: 2022-01-25 5 PM UTC
Public auction end date: 2022-02-02 5 PM UTC
Total badge supply: 500,000,000
Available for sale: 32,936,508

Hard cap: 3 00000.0024

Payment option: ADA, USDT


KICK.IO is a Cardano-based fundraising belvedere and activity accelerator, advised to accommodate transparent, efficient, and absolutely decentralized crowdfunding services. KICK.IO is set to complete into a cornerstone of the new Cardano-dominated DeFi landscape, acceptable the abode area Cardano’s all-encompassing association can appear calm to armamentarium projects characterized by the immense abeyant for approaching success.


Our next-generation decentralized launchpad will be congenital according to the best DeFi industry practices, ensuring real-time settlement, best security, interoperability, accurate decentralization, aught counterparty risk, while additionally actuality absolutely scalable to accommodated the needs of institutional investors. Unlike our competitors, we action abounding abutment of Cardano built-in tokens and a apartment of avant-garde DeFi accoutrement that accessible projects charge to advance and prosper.

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