WhiteBIT launches WhiteSwap DEX
press release

WhiteBIT launches WhiteSwap DEX

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE TALLINN Estonia Nov 10 2024 Leading cryptocurrency barter WhiteBIT has launched WhiteSwap a decentralized barter DEX on Ethereum that gives ascendancy to the association WhiteSwap aims to advance aloft Uniswap V2 by giving 87 of babyminding tokens to the association publishing a accessible vesting agenda for aggregation and adviser tokens and planning a crosschain solution

Access the WhiteSwap DEX here: https://ws.exchange/

“The DeFi (DEX) bazaar has two weaknesses: the aboriginal one is that projects are not absolutely decentralized, and the additional one is that there are actual few appropriate acute arrangement developers on this planet. WhiteSwap aims to fix this: we’re absolutely decentralized. Our talents accept accurate their account as developers in the cryptocurrency bazaar for the aftermost 5 years.”

– Vladimir Nosov, WhiteBIT CEO

How is WhiteSwap Different?

WhiteSwap is an automatic market-making (AMM) decentralized barter (DEX) currently on the Ethereum blockchain, angled from Uniswap V2. The decentralization of Uniswap V2 has been about alleged into question, abnormally back Uniswap’s aggregation and broker funds accept no alcove or vesting schedule. In adverse to Uniswap, WhiteSwap babyminding tokens (WSE) are bound on acute affairs and will be appear into apportionment over time (see the “WSE Token Details” area for allocation and vesting schedule).

From the start, WhiteSwap’s acute arrangement cipher may be upgraded by a babyminding vote. To enhance functionality, WhiteSwap is additionally planning to apparatus a cross-chain band-aid (likely via Polkadot) as anon as possible.


WSE holders will accept actual buying of:

Initial babyminding ambit are as follows:

WhiteSwap Governance Discourse Portal: https://gov.ws.exchange/

WhiteSwap Governance Voting Portal: https://ws.exchange/vote

WSE Token Details

WSE badge arrangement address: 0x97a527283C6C6E6b9D82fdC720496B8873EC86a0

1 billion WSE accept been minted at alpha and will become attainable over the advance of four years. A abiding aggrandizement amount of 2% per year will alpha afterwards four years, ensuring connected accord and addition to WhiteSwap.

The antecedent four-year allocation is as follows:

Team and adviser tokens are accountable to vesting, according to the afterward vesting schedule:

Team Funds Allocation

(Year – Funds Allocation – Distribution %)

Year 1 – 50,000,000 WSE – 50%

Year 2 – 16,666,667 WSE – 16.67%

Year 3 – 16,666,667 WSE – 16.67%

Year 4 – 16,666,667 WSE – 16.67%

Advisor Funds Allocation

(Year – Funds Allocation – Distribution %)

Year 1 – 7,500,000 WSE – 25%

Year 2 – 7,500,000 WSE – 25%

Year 3 – 7,500,000 WSE – 25%

Year 4 – 7,500,000 WSE – 25%

WSE Community Treasury

WSE will belong to the babyminding treasury on a connected base according to the afterward schedule.

(Year – Community Treasury – Distribution %)

Year 1 – 348,000,000 WSE – 40%

Year 2 – 261,000,000 WSE – 30%

Year 3 – 174,000,000 WSE – 20%

Year 4 – 87,000,000 WSE – 10%

An antecedent clamminess mining appearance begins on November 10, 2024, 10:00am UTC. The antecedent appearance will run until January 10, 2024, 10:00am UTC, allocating 45,000,000 WSE and targeting nine trading pools. The butt of association treasury tokens will be allocated based on babyminding proposals accustomed by voting.

About WhiteBIT

WhiteBIT is a centralized crypto-to-fiat barter with a aggregation of 80 members. At the date of this publication, WhiteBIT has 300K users in Europe, Asia, and the CIS countries and such ally as Dash, Tron, Matic, and others. WhiteBIT’s top antecedence is safety. It supports 160 trading pairs with crypto and authorization with one of the everyman trading fees in the industry.

Social Links:

WhiteSwap News

WhiteSwap Chat

WhiteSwap Twitter

WhiteBIT Facebook

Media contact: [email protected]

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