WINGS Token arrives on Ethereum - Trading on Bittrex reaches $1 million
press release

WINGS Token arrives on Ethereum - Trading on Bittrex reaches $1 million

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(May 1, 2024 – Zug, Switzerland) The abundant advancing WINGS badge barrage has assuredly arrived. Following a acknowledged abetment attack and the absolution of the WINGS DAO alpha platform, the WINGS badge has been appear on the Ethereum arrangement and chip on the Liqui and Bittrex exchanges.

The WINGS Foundation intends to cycle out the adeptness for anyone to calmly set up and get association abetment for crowdfunding on the Ethereum arrangement over the abutting several weeks.

“After several months of development and testing, authoritative key hires in our development alignment and affiliation with several acute affairs auditors we are assuredly alpha to cycle out WINGS on the Ethereum network,” said Boris Povod, WINGS Foundation President “Soon anyone will be able to calmly actualize ICO’s modeled afterwards the accepted Gnosis, Dfinity and Cosmos Arrangement crowdfunds with a few clicks.”

“We appetite to abbreviate the accident in accommodating in ICOs by enabling association consesus and self-regulation”, Boris adds “with that in apperception WINGS holders can vet projects, anticipation on their appraisal or how abundant they can raise, and advice the projects accomplish their allotment anticipation with advance to their amusing arrangement circles.”

The WINGS badge saw aloof beneath a $1 actor account of WINGS tokens exchanged on the BTC and ETH markets on its aboriginal day on the accepted Bittrex and Liqui exchanges, showcasing the acceptance of the badge amid the cryptocurrency and WINGS decentralized free alignment (DAO) community.

So what does the WINGS badge do?

The WINGS badge will be acclimated in the accessible WINGS belvedere active on the Ethereum arrangement to acquiesce association associates to baddest and vet antecedent bread offerings (ICO’s) or crowdfunding proposals application decentralized consensus, and again anticipation the allotment success of accustomed projects. Currently in its alpha stage, WINGS will accommodate the all-important accoutrement for the creation, vetting, valuation, promotion, funding, and accommodation authoritative of decentralized projects application innovations such as acute affairs and anticipation markets – a no-loss accessory of the abundant absorbed anticipation markets.

With WINGS blockchain developers can calmly accumulate the all-important association abutment and funds to body up their account and teams, while activity backers can be assured that projects accept been vetted and accept undergone decentralized due activity by WINGS DAO association badge holders, who are adored according to how authentic their anticipation and their actual anticipation rating. The arrangement creates an ecosystem area innovators, activity backers and analysts anniversary comedy their allotment to kickstart projects with security, accuracy and ease, catastrophe some of the riskier facets of cryptocurrency investment.

The WINGS badge can be bought and awash on the Bittrex and Liqui exchanges with Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT, and added exchanges and trading pairs may follow.

Bittrex BTC-WINGS:
Bittrex ETH-WINGS:


About WINGS Foundation

WINGS Foundation is based in Switzerland and comprised of a decentralized aggregation of blockchain professionals aiming to accompany blockchain-enabled projects to the mainstream. WINGS makes DAO technology attainable to entrepreneurs and companies who are attractive to advantage the all-around ability of bitcoin and added blockchains for activity funding, the ability of army intelligence powered anticipation markets for college affection decision-making, the versatility of acute affairs for a all-around decentralized acceding framework, and the affluence of use of the burning messengers for admirers reach. For added information, appointment the WINGS website at

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