With Music Legend Akon ELT Reinvents the “Create-to-Earn” Gold Rush
press release

With Music Legend Akon ELT Reinvents the “Create-to-Earn” Gold Rush

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE In the accomplished ages or so with the accelerated acceleration of Stepn GMT the MovetoEarn archetypal began to allure boilerplate absorption bringing added and added bodies who are not accustomed with the crypto amplitude assimilate their belvedere At the aforementioned time assorted X To Earn projects accept additionally emerged one afterwards addition causing acrimonious discussions in the industry

It’s time for the ablaze “X To Earn” to advance with a new amount narrative.

Last week, a cheep retweeted by American music fable Akon bent the absorption of millions of admirers and crypto enthusiasts. The cheep shows that Akon is about to absolution an absolute accumulating of Akon Music NFT abstruseness boxes in affiliation with Element.Black.

Element.Black is a cutting-edge technology aggregation committed to creating a create-to-earn ecosystem for Web 3.0 NFT collections in entertainment. Based on its accurate success in the fields of Social-Fi and Game-Fi, it launches the avant-garde “Create-to-Earn” model, accouterment Web 2.0 musicians, artists, and appearance designers with channels and solutions for the accumulation clearing to Metaverse and Web3. Its babyminding badge ELT accept be listed on OKX Jumpstart on April 20th, and again on April 22nd utc11:00am) Akon music NFT will be clearly appear on top exchanges such as OKX NFT and Binance NFT.

ELT has been accustomed and invested by abounding top adventure basic firms, including OKX Blockdream Ventures, LD Capital, The Web3 Ventures Limited, DAO Maker, Run the Chain and Hong Kong’s arch advance aggregation JKL Capital, which helps the advance and dispatch of the ELT ecosystem.


The aboriginal “X to Earn” anecdotal and ELT badge rewards

“Create-to-Earn” advised by Element.Black uses Akon NFT as an acceptance ticket, which is artlessly attractive. Engaging with the music fable Akon, there is an befalling to co-create and acquire badge rewards. Therefore, ELT can calmly allure music admirers into the ecosystem and there is a aerial anticipation that they will become ELT holders, which will added account NFT trading in the accessory market.

Akon has able 12,000 NFTs absolute music elements (soundtracks), which will be about packaged into NFT abstruseness boxes. After application ELT tokens to acquirement a abstruseness box, you can accept a music allotment from Akon, which has aerial collectible value, and co-create new music calm with Akon through Music Infinity, a artefact developed by Element.Black. You can add your aboriginal agreeable and re-edit the Akon music, and again accomplish your own music NFT to accept sales revenues and rewards from Music Infinity.

A highlight for this Akon music NFT accumulating is that there are songs that accept never been appear afore and will be absolute alone to access through this NFT collection, which will accordingly accretion absorption from alfresco the crypto association and alike with the abeyant to become an industry phenomenon.

The abstruseness box additionally contains PFP , which added increases the amount of the Akon music NFT collection.


Come for Akon, break for ELT

Its mission is to actualize a able Web 3.0 ball ecosystem. The ability of NFTs as agenda collectibles allows all ELT holders on a all-around calibration to allot themselves to the architecture of the absolute ecosystem.


Five amount attributes that can drive ELT to new heights

Firstly, ELT is the best important asset bare for users to participate in the different Create-to-Earn, Social-Fi, and Game-Fi experience. Users can alleviate exceptional appearance casework aural the ecosystem through the purchasing and spending of ELT tokens. NFT purchase, NFT minting, NFT advertisement and trading additionally requires the spending of ELT tokens.

Secondly, ELT acts as a able apparatus for NFT acquirement redistribution aural the Element.Black ecosystem. Element.Black provides the “Create-to-Earn” archetypal for users to accept badge rewards in its ecosystem. The NFTs purchased or minted by collectors are absolutely endemic by themselves.

Thirdly, ELT acts as an ecosystem incentivization tool. Element.Black encourages users to use ELT to actualize new NFTs, to barter NFTs in the ecosystem, to collaborate with agreeable creators and celebrities, to pale ELT for badge rewards, and to use ELT to participate in activity governance.

Fourthly, ELT acts as an acclimation apparatus to apprehend badge deflation. When added and added users accompany the Element.Black ecosystem, the appeal and burning of ELT will additionally increase, which will advance its bazaar amount to increase, appropriately ensuring the connected and abiding rewards to users, ELT holders and investors.

Last but not least, ELT is the amount abutment for architecture association accord anatomy association governance.

In the action of transitioning from the concrete apple to the agenda world, we are now actual assured about the huge abeyant of Element.Black. We accept that it will accomplish abundant efforts in the new anecdotal of NFT 2.0.



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