Yearn Finance Connect (YFIC) New DeFi Project Decentralized Finance, Staking, Lending & Yield Farming
press release

Yearn Finance Connect (YFIC) New DeFi Project Decentralized Finance, Staking, Lending & Yield Farming

THELOGICALINDIAN - Yearn Finance Connect is a decentralized badge beneath the ERC20 agreement that allows users to pale YFIC borrow assets and vote for improvements aural the community

Yearn Finance Connect staking belvedere enables investors to acquire a crop on YFIC token, depositing, and selecting the bulk you appetite to stake, you will get an APR of 25%, and it can be apart anytime, and you will get FYICS Badge accolade also.

Borrowers can borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) way, selecting USDT (Tether), Ethereum (ETH), or DAI.

Yield Farming – Users will still be able to acreage for the new YFICF Token with their YFIC Token.

EarnConnect is a lending aggregator that strives to attain the accomplished crop for accurate bill (DAI, USDC, USDT, TUSD) at all times. It does this by programmatically alive these bill amid several lending protocols (AAVE, dYdX, and Compound) operating on the Ethereum blockchain.

Only 1,000,000 YFIC minted will be broadcast to the association through our Airdrops and Pre-sale.

Website :
Presale articulation :

Yearn Finance Connect Tokennomics
Token Type : ERC-20
Token attribute : YFIC
Token Name : YearnFinanceConnect
Contract : 0x14Be9Bde94102E13971E8f98ACEcaC823CB7fD30
Total Supply : 1,000,000 YFIC
Circulating Supply : 550,000 YFIC
Initial Uniswap Liquidity : 100,000 YFIC (expected)
YFIC for Pre-sale : 400,000 YFIC
Team Tokens : 50,000 YFIC
Marketing & Development : 200,000 YFIC
Airdrops : 50,000 YFIC ( 10,000 YFIC for community)

Yearn Finance Connect Community :

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Email : [email protected]

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