Yoshitaka Amano, One of the World's Greatest Illustrators, Character Designers, Joins Gensokishi Online Project
press release

Yoshitaka Amano, One of the World's Greatest Illustrators, Character Designers, Joins Gensokishi Online Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE GensoKishi Online the GameFi and metaverse apotheosis of the accolade acceptable Nintendo SwitchPS4 bold Elemental Knights is appreciative to advertise its accord with one of Japans greatest

YOSHITAKA AMANO, the allegorical designer, the god of bold art, the superstar, abaft so abounding of Japan’s best admired games, has agreed to appear on lath to architecture his actual own aboriginal characters that will be alien and developed into the GensoKishi metaverse, alms new possibilities and aspects for GensoKishi Online.

Yoshitaka Amano, is accepted for creating characters in animations, and additionally for designing characters for amateur such as the Final Fantasy series. Amano will assignment with us in “Character Design”, “Concept Art” for our Cosplay NFTs that will be acclimated in-game, and GensoKishi’s “Logo Design”.

We will account Amano about his affairs with GensoKishi and about his thoughts on the “Metaverse”, the advocate agenda apple of the Web3 era. Amano has assuredly been the centerpiece of abounding of Japan’s best accepted animations and amateur back their aboriginal days, and has contributed to abundant characters and bold titles as an artist. We cannot delay to allotment his thoughts with his admirers and with our GensoKishi Online community.

Amano’s designs will additionally be acclimated to advance a new NFT collection.

Further announcements will be fabricated on the official website and central our community.

Please, accompany our official community to bolt the latest news!

Official comments from Yoshitaka Amano

“I accept advised abounding characters in my career, but this was the aboriginal time for me to assignment with this “generative art” concept. Disassembling a appearance to genitalia and putting them aback together. I had a lot of fun.

I’ve heard that GensoKishi already has affairs on bringing real-life food assimilate the game. I am blame them appropriate now so that I can architecture not alone characters, but additionally it’s towers, castles, and streets.”

What is GensoKishi Online?

GensoKishi Online Metaworld is a GameFi and metaverse apotheosis of the accolade acceptable Nintendo Switch/PS4 bold “Elemental Knights”. This iconic bold has a 13 year history and has accumulated a absolute of 8 actor downloads worldwide.

It already has a 3DMMORPG bold with alive users, with a fully-functioning 3D metaverse, that accompanying connects users from about the world, be it smartphones, PCs, or video bold consoles. The development aggregation abaft the development has a ablaze clue record, accepting developed online amateur and arresting MMORPG titles for 20 years, additionally acceptable the “Game of the Year Gold Award” in Taiwan in 2024.

GensoKishi opened its association in December 2nd 2024, and has already exceeded 240K association associates beyond Discord, Twitter, Telegram, and LINE.

To date, Gensokishi has set various records, including a almanac breaking IDO on TRUSTPAD (20secs on FCFS) and the better cardinal of staking participants in the history of Bybit’s LaunchPool with 69,000 bodies and over $200 actor in TVL. The badge was listed on Bybit on January 27th and ranked 3rd aloft ETH/XRP/SAND/LUNA in 24 hour aggregate 1 anniversary later. It has developed 45x back the listing.

The activity was inducted into the Kickstarter Hall of Fame on the basic bill barter MEXC as the activity that accomplished a 500% voting ambition in aloof 10 minutes.

Our affiliation with Mr. Amano will added abate the community, and we will assignment agilely to advance the bold so that it gets off to the best accessible start, on our official barrage in August 2022.


Official Site : https://genso.game/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/genso_meta

Discord : https://discord.gg/gensometa

Telegram(English) : https://t.me/gensometamain

Telegram(Chinese) : https://t.me/gensometazw

The GensoKishi Online activity will abide to accompany the latest account to our fans.

Please accompany our association to apprentice added :):)


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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons