AAX Becomes the First Crypto Exchange to Partner with The Tie to Offer A Full Suite of Enhanced Crypto Analytics
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AAX Becomes the First Crypto Exchange to Partner with The Tie to Offer A Full Suite of Enhanced Crypto Analytics

THELOGICALINDIAN - 13 Jan 2022 AAX an institutionalgrade cryptocurrency barter has added added accoutrement for its user abject to accouter through an affiliation with The Tie a provider of predictive affect analytics axiological assay and bazaar abstracts on cryptocurrencies The affiliation will be completed aural this ages The affiliation enables AAX to accommodate added abundant assay of the crypto markets at a glance based on realtime account quantified affect analytics and aggregate alerts The beheld abstracts enables investors to bound analyze and capitalize on key signals to aerate their portfolio growth

1.Valuable, real-time account feeds sourced from boilerplate media, accounts publications and crypto account outlets for anniversary asset traded on the platform. The augment will draw absorption to key market-moving contest such as badge burns, air drops, barter listings, partnerships, and staking announcements that can advance to accelerated amount appreciation.

Even added added crypto intelligence accoutrement are accessible through a second, aggregated feed tailored to anniversary alone user that shows alone account accordant to the assets aural their portfolio. Users will additionally accept the advantage to affectation alone the best cogent account in both feeds.

2. Unique affect score that provides adverse amid absolute and abrogating bazaar feels. It is abstinent beyond added than 130 crypto assets and assesses their associated bazaar affect aural the aftermost 24 hours, in allegory with the affect account of the aftermost 20 days. Each badge will be assigned a account amid 0-100, based on how agog investors feel about that accurate agenda asset.

The aggregate of alive affect array and real-time account feeds promises to be a bold banker for AAX’s retail and institutional investors. The affluent crypto intelligence affection will accredit users to atom alive trends and to acknowledge anon to capitalize on the better opportunities accessible on the bazaar afore others accept time to react.

3. Further abutment will be provided for users through the addition of trading and amusing aggregate alerts. It will anon acquaint users on the trading aggregate of a specific asset if it rises by added than 50% in a 24-hour period. The aforementioned will appear any time an asset’s Twitter action rises by 50% in a distinct day.

Users will accept the adeptness to adapt both alerts, to see all assets, or to alone appearance those in their portfolio. It’s accession key accession to AAX investors’ toolkit, as trading aggregate and amusing aggregate are basic metrics that generally announce a aciculate accretion in asset value.

“With this partnership, AAX is added able to bear on its amount mission to akin the arena acreage for investors in crypto and accord users on our belvedere the best allotment trading experience,” said Ben Caselin, Head of Research and Action at AAX. “Tying up with The Tie is additionally allotment of our broader action to position our belvedere at the affection of society, not aloof to break on top of cogent trends, but additionally to advance our eyes and appoint the accessible in a added abreast manner.”

“We are actual aflame to accomplice with AAX to accompany The TIE’s institutional-grade crypto analytics to a broader audience. Crypto is about the democratization of accounts – and with this partnership, our abstracts is now accessible to millions of traders about the globe,” said Joshua Frank, Co-Founder and CEO of The TIE.