Autonomy 2040 calls for innovators and enthusiasts to jointly reveal the key factors of the economic evolution
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Autonomy 2040 calls for innovators and enthusiasts to jointly reveal the key factors of the economic evolution

THELOGICALINDIAN - Autonomy 2040 announces the secondanniversary anniversary accident for the blockchain association that will be captivated on January 1719 2024 in Tulum Mexico and invites enthusiasts and startups to analyze researchbased bread-and-butter foundations of the approaching abridgement with universitylevel experts

Humanity is entering into a new aeon of development, which will accompany forth a new blazon of socio-economic structure. While witnessing those changes, that point appear the advance of the new “Golden Age”, and award endorsement in the theories proposed by Schumpeter and Kondratyev, we alarm out for agreeing leaders to accordingly acknowledge and altercate the key factors of the approaching dynamics. 

3-day Autonomy 2040 accident aims to accompany up able theory-based discussions with top economics advisers to accordingly explain the changes that are accident to the abridgement acknowledgment to arising technologies such as blockchain bogus intelligence, the internet of things and robotics.

We are captivation educational seminars and workshops to aggrandize on such capacity as bread-and-butter cycles, the tokenomics abode in accepted economical cycles, prognoses architecture in advanced bread-and-butter content, and algebraic badge administration forth with added abstruse matters.

Co-founder of Futurama Innovators Summit Joshua Hong has appear that organizers “want to accompany some of the adamantine research-based bread-and-butter theories by Carlota Perez. who wrote “Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital”, which is based on some of the above-mentioned assignment done by Joseph Schumpeter from Harvard University & the Soviet economist Nikolai Kondratiev. 

“These economists had this amazing abstraction that economies, area commercialism is the capital engine, usually go through these cycles of 40-60 years. Jake Ryan appropriate that we are now at this age of abridgement back automation, AI and blockchain will booty absolute altruism to a new akin of productivity  that we accept not apparent before, and Dr. Parase authority it “the Golden Age”

The accident is captivated in ceremony of the additional ceremony of Futurama Innovators. The location, Tulum, area visitors will be able to ascertain the Mayan acculturation remains, has been called to reflect that our decentralized approaching has some similarities with the authority that was congenital absolutely decentralized, appropriate in the average of the rainforest, comestible the acrid climate.

Visitors will be additionally able to affix with Futurama Innovators Summit co-founder Joshua Jong and  MIND.AI co-founder Paul Lee, CEO of CoinPayments Alex Alexandrov, CEO of PlatinCoin Alex Reinhardt, administrator of Alexis Sirkia, Co-founder of Bithumb Global Javier Sim, Co-founder of IOVO Krzysztof Gagacki, Founder of Tradecraft Capital Jake Ryan.

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About the company

Autonomy 2040 is the aggregate of TED, Singularity University, Summit Series and acceptable old Futurama. It was congenital with a ambition to explain all of the absurd changes that appear in society, and not aloof absolutely from a tech point of view, but additionally from the economic, political, and cultural perspective.

Autonomy2040 is a clandestine associates club for abstruse entrepreneurs and experts. Autonomy 2040 aims to advance and enhance the arising technologies business altitude by bringing calm business leaders, investors, and startups, facilitating dialogues and acceptable businesses to accommodated their goals.

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