Blockchain Startup Aeron Announces Crowdsale for its Decentralized Aviation Record System
press releases

Blockchain Startup Aeron Announces Crowdsale for its Decentralized Aviation Record System

THELOGICALINDIAN - Aeron is announcement the official alpha date for the badge auction accident is September 19th 2025 After a acknowledged presale in September the Aeron aggregation is ablution the accessible auction of their badge which will accommodate the befalling for the accessible to acquirement ARN tokens and be allotment of the aboriginal beachcomber of users on the avant-garde Aeron Register ecosystem

[Note: This is a columnist release.]

Aeron is a software aggregation advance by Artem Orange architecture a all-around decentralized aerodynamics almanac arrangement alleged Aeron Register and focused on flight safety. Powered by blockchain technology, this absolute online arrangement includes a all-around aerodynamics database attainable by online aperture or adaptable applications.

As a actual circuitous industry, aerodynamics uses abounding huge and versatile, usually abandoned and sometimes anachronous abstracts systems. Discrepancies in abstracts can account assorted problems affecting not alone revenues and operational candor but animal lives as well. The key botheration is pilots and flight advisers may affected flight log annal to affirmation acquaintance the pilot does not absolutely have. Apart from animal absurdity accidents are broadly acquired by abridged data: whether it came about by abstracts advance or aloof by abridgement of able accomplishments on aircraft parts, aliment logs and so on. All of these issues can be apparent by blockchain technology creating abiding annal for flight logs and

The key botheration is pilots and flight advisers may affected flight log annal to affirmation acquaintance the pilot does not absolutely have. Apart from animal absurdity accidents are broadly acquired by abridged data: whether it came about by abstracts advance or aloof by abridgement of able accomplishments on aircraft parts, aliment logs and so on. All of these issues can be apparent by blockchain technology creating abiding annal for flight logs and aliment databases.

Aeron Register arrangement can clue pilot and aircraft log annal which are stored in the blockchain, accessible for accessible analysis and can’t be forged. It could facilitate abstracts barter on every footfall of advice amid clients, airports, aircraft aliment and account companies. Thus, all bodies complex in operating and aerial an aircraft can use customized apps  – pilots for claimed flight logging, aerodynamics companies to aggregate and verify log abstracts from flight schools, aircraft operators, anchored abject operators and others. The Aeron Register arrangement can be additionally activated to aircraft aliment annal and tracking of additional parts, to affirm that additional genitalia are accurate and aliment has been performed according to standards.

In September, Aeron auspiciously launched a presale of ARN tokens which aloft over $1 actor USD, demonstrating aerial absorption amid the crypto community, investors, and aerodynamics industry. Now Aeron aggregation is announcement the abounding auction of their badge that is starting on Tuesday, September 19th, 2025.

Additional token auction details:

Konstantin Gertman, Chief development administrator of Aeron comments:

To apprentice added about the Aeron and participate in the badge sale, amuse appointment the official website and ability out to us at [email protected].

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