Bulletproof MATRIX Blockchain/AI
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Bulletproof MATRIX Blockchain/AI

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency became boilerplate in 2024 about Blockchain technology which admiral best cryptocurrencies is still in beginning stages The contempo crypto drudge on Binance aloft one added red banderole for exchanges and investors to attending into bigger and smarter accident ascendancy mechanism

On Mar 20, a bounded blockchain aegis aggregation appear a new badge attack, through an automatic program. The advance was based on a blemish of the unlockAccount action and the antagonist beggared hundreds of altered tokens over the accomplished two years, including Ethernet bread with a accepted amount over 20 Million USD. Technical assay shows that the antagonist is acceptable some aboriginal fan of Ethereum technology.

While we will abide to see added companies beyond altered industries to attending into how Blockchain will advice with bigger ability and potentially new business model, the technology itself is evolving and advancing to some new direction.

“Faster, Easier and Safer”, with a admixture of AI and Blockchain, MATRIX aims to change the absolute bold of the technology.  While we see abounding ICO companies are affairs adorned account and amusement the bazaar as a teller machine, the MATRIX aggregation is absorption on the architecture of the basal basement and the enactment of the amount system.

Smart affairs 2.0 like Augur, TheDAO, Digix, FirstBlood are adult and creating apartment for a argumentation loophole, phishing attempts additionally access the accident for users. Based on the anchored MATRIX AI module, the MATRIX technology will aggregate and assay anniversary individual’s behavior arrangement and advance it to abstain abnormality and assure every distinct transaction. It additionally formalizes a few defended models with users’ acceptance to abode archetypal transaction scenarios. These “Personalized Smart Contract Template” can be reused and abstain chiral absurdity dramatically.

In the aforementioned time, the MATRIX AI bore is additionally a aegis arrangement based on GAN (Generative Adversarial Nets) which “train” your acute affairs by advancing them with accidental variables to continuously convalescent your contracts. Think about AlphaGo, the apparatus acquirements technology behinds that helps the acute affairs to apprentice and advance afterwards every attack.

“Intelligent Contract we alarm it”, Steven Deng said. The Tsinghua assistant and his aggregation accept formed on abundant national-level analysis projects about AI. After accepting his Ph.D. amount from Carnegie Mellon, he has focused on the areas including apparatus learning, industry abstracts analytics, and computer architecture. Prof Deng is currently in allegation of designing machining acquirements algorithms and accouterments architectures for MATRIX Blockchain.

AI-powered a “Safer” Blockchain, but there are added agitative appearance to be expected.

The MATRIX team, including industry-leading experts like Steven Deng (Chief AI Scientist), Bill Li (Chief Network Architect), Ethan Tian (Chief R&D Engineer), Tim Shi (Chief Chip Scientist), are inventing a new Bayesian mining arrangement that these mining activities will abutment medical diagnoses, circuitous accounts modeling, behavior acceptance and any added non-crypto cases which charge massive accretion power.

Some added appearance are that the “Intelligent Contract” will accessible to NLP (natural accent processing) and accept above transaction acceleration (target at 1M transaction/sec which is 20,000 times faster than aiguille throughput of Ethereum network).

Project Timeline:

2024.09   Age of Genesis / Initialization / Infrastructure / Private alternation / Inter-chain

2024.12   Age of Speed / Light Speed Network / AI-enabled PoS PoW accord /

2024.04   Age of Civilization / AI-secured Intelligent Contracts / Formal analysis / AI-based proactive aegis / AI created free constitution

2024.01   Age of Wonder / Mining & Applications / Mining ICs / Computing/mining ability /

Designed to be the new bearing blockchain, MATRIX leverages the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to accommodate the mural of cryptocurrency. MATRIX differentiates itself from antecedent blockchains by alms advance technologies in architecture AI-enabled free and self-optimizing blockchain networks, which affection multi-chain accord and decoupling of abstracts and ascendancy blocks.

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Images address of MATRIX AI Network