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THELOGICALINDIAN - Cellframe has aggregate their advance appear creating a quantumresistant band-aid for thirdgeneration blockchains at the Blockchain Life appointment 2022

Moscow, Music Media Dome, April 20-21, 2022, Cellframe is at Blockchain Life appointment 2022 to bless their association accomplishments and affect for what is abutting in band for the project. Blockchain Life appointment is one of the better blockchain contest in Europe and CIS, assured added than 5,000 participants, bringing calm industry leaders, adventure capitalists, builders, crypto enthusiasts and innovators from about the globe.

Event attendees started lining up aboriginal in the morning for the appointment to get an aboriginal bastard examination of the booths for some of the hottest projects at the appointment this year. “We were afflicted by the acknowledgment of all attendees visiting our berth acceptance us an befalling to allocution about our mission in creating a safe and decentralized belvedere to accommodate casework as quickly, safely, and calmly as accessible by implementing our quantum-resistant platform,” said Dmitry Gerasimov, CEO and Founder of Cellframe.

Some of the hottest capacity on the accident calendar accommodate DeFi and metaverse development, appearance of able mining, NFT prospects, as able-bodied as blockchain accomplishing in business and government. A axial affair will be the adjustment of cryptocurrencies in Russia. Among the forum’s arch speakers are Ivan Chebeskov, Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Russian Ministry of Finance, Vladislav Martynov, Entrepreneur, Head of Ethereum Russia adequacy center, architect of BlockGeeks and Anatoly Kaplan, architect of Forklog.

Being a band 0 protocol, Cellframe arrangement helps to actualize decentralized blockchain casework quickly, safely, and as calmly as possible. Other Cellframe Arrangement participants will additionally be able to anon use Cellframe’s appearance as a built-in service, which will aggrandize the opportunities provided by the ecosystem.

In alignment with the team’s mission to actualize a safe and decentralized ambiance to sustain the abandon of the internet, Cellframe’s band-aid starts with quantum-resistant signatures, which accommodate some of the finalists from the NIST PQC challenge that accept already been implemented into the Cellframe architectonics with abounding added integrations in the affairs for this year.

Cellframe is additionally giving out agitative merch for every crypto enthusiast who’s accessory the Blockchain Life Event – a adventitious to win lots of absolute commodity items for those who participate in the draw  The winner’s to be appear on 21st April 2022, the aftermost day of the conference. Draw entries are in berth P17.

“A ample cardinal of supporters arise from this allotment of the apple and we are blessed to accommodated and acknowledge them in being for administration our eyes of allotment ethical faith-based communities in decentralized finance,” said Dmitry Gerasimov, CEO and Founder of Cellframe.

​​About Cellframe

Cellframe is a belvedere for creating 3-gen blockchain solutions anchored by post-quantum cryptography. Cellframe uses aboriginal sharding accomplishing with peer-to-peer inter atom communications, which provides acutely aerial transaction throughput.

Cellframe allows the conception of acutely anchored and lightning-fast blockchain networks. The ecosystem supports the conception and operation of broadcast networks, which are presented by broadcast versions of commonly centralized internet casework such as VPN, CDN, billow (fog) computing, and video streaming. Unlike acute affairs on added protocols, area a set of nodes uploads alien abstracts assimilate the blockchain, Cellframe casework do not crave such a third affair account which is accountable to be compromised.

$CELL is the built-in account badge that is acclimated for Proof of Stake consensus, amount alteration aural the Cellframe ecosystem, and accord in Cellchain auctions and leasing. $CELL is a quantum-resistant cryptocurrency that has auspiciously implemented several quantum-hacking aggressive signatures. This technology will be acceptable in the era of breakthrough computers back abounding cryptocurrencies will be threatened.

Let’s attestant the approaching of Cellframe!

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Media Details

Company Name: Demlabs Ltd (Cellframe project)
Contact: Elena Yusupova
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://cellframe.net/