Coin98 Lists on AscendEX
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Coin98 Lists on AscendEX

THELOGICALINDIAN - AscendEX a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere is captivated to advertise the advertisement of the Coin98 badge C98 beneath the brace USDTC98 on Sept 9 at 1 pm UTC In anniversary of the C98 advertisement AscendEX will assignment with the C98 aggregation to barrage assorted limitedtime promotional contest demography abode from Sept 9 100 am UTC to Sept 16 1200 am UTC By depositing trading and staking C98 tokens users will be offered the adventitious to allotment affiliated rewards account up to 90000 USDT

Coin98 is an all-in-one, multichain DeFi platform, with a abounding apartment of articles including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange, and Coin98 Bridge. Coin98 is not alone a wallet, but an all across-the-board DeFi platform, alms multichain services. Users can collaborate with over 25 blockchains accompanying with aloof one passphrase. Users don’t accept to about-face amid chains anymore. All their assets from all accordant blockchains are on one screen. The C98 badge is the built-in account token, acclimated for ecosystem development, staking, governance, and different associates rights.

Coin98 believes that agnate projects serve to accommodate advantageous antagonism in the bazaar and will accomplish the ecosystem added able-bodied overall. The capital ambition of the Coin98 belvedere is to drive accumulation blockchain adoption, and they are alive to accomplish that appear in a cardinal of key areas area Coin98 holds an advantage over the competition.

First, the multi-chain engine, which is altered to the Coin98 Wallet, is the aboriginal multi-chain accordant wallet engine, acceptation users can collaborate with altered wallets on altered blockchains accompanying with one distinct passphrase, removing complicated requirements for switching amid chains. They aim to body a complete DeFi basement that offers appearance like swapping, lending, borrowing, crop farming, derivatives, and more. By alms a simple UX to appoint amateur users and accouterment avant-garde appearance for able traders, Coin98 is congenital to abutment accumulation acceptance of assorted user types.

The additional above advantage Coin98 offers is their committed chump abutment service. As the DeFi ecosystem expands, best DeFi protocols focus on carrying articles after application for user needs. At Coin98, chump abutment is a top antecedence and ensures a able accord amid users and the belvedere which drives artefact change and new affection development.

In addition, Coin98 is fast affective and has years of acquaintance operating in airy markets. They accept been developing their artefact back 2024 and accept gone through assorted bazaar cycles and accept how to survive the ups and downs of crypto markets. They accept become actual acknowledged at architecture new artefact appearance that acclimate to the consistently evolving bazaar landscape. They accept as markets abide to advance and grow, the teams who can acclimate bound will ultimately appear out on top.

The geographic targeting of users is an important angle of the Coin98 artefact offering. While added DeFi protocols are focused on Western markets, Coin98 takes aim at the Asian markets, accurately area in the arena they are based, area they accept a abysmal compassionate of the bounded bazaar affect and conditions. They additionally accept that best trading aggregate on DeFi protocols comes from Asian markets, authoritative it a decidedly adorable arena for them to focus on.

AscendEX is committed to the advance of DeFi projects, and platforms like Coin98, abnormally back accouterment to Asian markets area AscendEX has a able afterward and user base. AscendEX’s charge to advertisement projects like Coin98 shows its abutment of the change and acceptance of the DeFi ecosystem.

About AscendEX

AscendEX is a all-around cryptocurrency banking belvedere with a absolute artefact apartment including spot, margin, and futures trading, wallet services, and staking abutment for over 150 blockchain projects such as bitcoin, ether, and ripple. Launched in 2018, AscendEX casework over 1 actor retail and institutional audience globally with a awful aqueous trading belvedere and defended aegis solutions. AscendEX has emerged as a arch belvedere by ROI on its “initial barter offerings” by acknowledging some of the industry’s best avant-garde projects from the DeFi ecosystem such as Thorchain, xDai Stake, and Serum. AscendEX users accept absolute admission to badge airdrops and the adeptness to acquirement tokens at the ancient accessible stage. To apprentice added about how AscendEX is leveraging best practices from both Wall Street and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to accompany the best altcoins to its users, amuse appointment

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 About Coin98

Coin98 is an All In One Multichain DeFi Platform, with a abounding apartment of articles including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange and Coin98 Bridge. Coin98 is not alone a wallet but an all-in-one DeFi belvedere alms casework for multichain protocols.

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