Collect Rare Cards and Combine to Earn Unique NFTs of US Presidents with PixelPotus
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Collect Rare Cards and Combine to Earn Unique NFTs of US Presidents with PixelPotus

THELOGICALINDIAN - Press Release PixelPotus launches their NFT collectible agenda bold with aerial colors as the Tezos association welcomes pixelated presidential tokens with accessible accoutrements

July 6 2024, Nevada, United States – Just center through 2024 and we see non-fungible tokens (NFTs) acceptable a basic in every crypto enthusiast’s diet. With the NFT bazaar absolute transaction amount reportedly tripling in 2024 alone, NFT utilities and use cases abide to appear, and advance throughout every bend of the crypto space.

Through the countless of evolutionary pathways NFTs tread, homesickness is one such alleyway that PixelPotus pioneers, and molds anew.

Collecting cards has never been this avant-garde or competitive.

Accurately called PixelPotus, this NFT collectible agenda bold appearance agenda POTUSes (Presidents of the United States) in their finest pixelated suits; lined up for inauguration!

There are a absolute of 45 POTUSes available, anniversary with a absolute of six levels of aberration as players amalgamate cards to advancement their admired POTUS(es).

You may be thinking, aren’t there a absolute of 46 POTUSes? You are correct, but lest we forget, Grover Cleveland acted as the 22nd and the 24th POTUS. Although President Cleveland would absolutely admire added publicity, PixelPotus ensures anniversary POTUS gets a fair appellation in this game!

All players are able to affirmation a free* (*inclusive of a accessory Tezos arrangement fee) accepted POTUS badge already per day. To excellent the more college aberration adaptation of anniversary agenda POTUS, a amateur charge aggregate and again bake lower-level tokens to accomplish the abutting tier. For example, to access an Uncommon Grover Cleveland, a amateur charge bake two Accepted Grover Cleveland.

Following anniversary player’s chargeless affirmation already per day, a amateur may again acquirement an added bristles accidental Common POTUSes for 0.125 tez per day. However, the absolute absolute to claims circadian is 5,000, and as such, players accept to affirmation as aboriginal as accessible to abstain missing out. PixelPotus additionally has a acute contract-powered barter for users to column trades and barter in a arguable manner.

20% of all affirmation and advancement fees access a award-winning basin acute arrangement dubbed, “The Treasury.” Once a amateur alcove the accomplished akin of aberration (Unique), they can accomplish a affirmation adjoin The Treasury arrangement and accept a 25% payout. This will abide until all Unique POTUS tokens are minted and the final minted Unique badge will accept whatever is larboard in The Treasury.

With alone 10,000 of anniversary Common POTUS badge accessible and upgrades acute lower-level badge burning, PixelPotus POTUS tokens will alone access in scarcity. Sporting a bold, unique, and inherent deflationary spirit to the game, eventually, there will be no added cards larboard to claim!

The Tezos association is acclaimed to be one of the best alive and affianced communities out there. As the community’s needs and wants abide to access at the seams, PixelPotus responds rapidly; accumulation new appearance and applying fixes in almanac time. So far, PixelPotus has been awful accepted for its fast clip of development and accomplishing of new affection requests.

Prioritizing the community, the PixelPotus aggregation has afresh appear V2, which incorporates the adeptness to now set buy orders for cards alongside the accepted advertise orders. Additionally, V2 revamps the amateur PixelPotus interface and improves aloft all aspects of the more acclaimed NFT collectible agenda game.

In the words of Andrew Jackson: “Take time to deliberate; but back the time for activity arrives, stop cerebration and go in.”

Claim your aboriginal chargeless POTUS badge today here!

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