Crypto Investment Platform Bit.Store Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds
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Crypto Investment Platform Bit.Store Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds

THELOGICALINDIAN - Singapore November 24 2025 BitStore an automatic crypto advance belvedere with 500000 users beyond Australia Canada Hong Kong Indonesia and the United Kingdom has chip the industryleading Chainlink Amount Feeds to accommodate users with the best authentic and uptodate prices on cryptoassets This allows BitStores users to anon admission the top amount benchmarks via BitStore app

Bit.Store belvedere is advised to be automatic and jargon-free so all investors, amateur or experienced, are able to advance into cryptocurrencies with ease. Furthermore, Bit.Store is able to accommodate absolute fiat-to-crypto advance on its belvedere through its affiliation with amalgam crypto-fiat acquittal pioneer, Alchemy Pay, for authorization payments balustrade such as Visa, Mastercard and PayPal.

Chainlink is the world’s arch decentralized answer arrangement acclimated by acute affairs beyond DeFi, insurance, exchanges, gaming, and added above sectors of the blockchain ecosystem. The decentralized arrangement provides blockchain developers with a absolute accumulating of reliable real-world abstracts sources. Chainlink additionally provides awful defended off-chain ciphering that enables developers to aggrandize the capabilities of their acute affairs for added scalability, automation, and randomness. Additionally, as the best widely-used and time-tested decentralized answer network, Chainlink already helps defended 75 billion absolute amount bound (TVL) for arresting DeFi protocols beyond the blockchain ecosystem.

Smart affairs assassinate on-chain operations and agreements, but they don’t acquaint anon with the apple above blockchain. Chainlink solves this by confined as a aperture amid on and off-chain worlds. The answer arrangement obtains off-chain, real-world abstracts (such as weather, currency, and agenda asset prices, Internet of Things data, and area information) and passes it on to acute contracts.

Centralized accounts platforms and FinTech applications can additionally account from Chainlink oracles by accepting admission to a tamper-resistant antecedent of abstracts accurate by a decentralized arrangement of Sybil-resistant and incentivized bulge operators. By decentralizing appraisement infrastructure, such platforms can accommodate users greater admission to the abstracts they crave to accomplish abreast decisions, and additionally use Chainlink Price Feeds as a backend antecedent of truth.

We accept to accommodate Chainlink in adjustment to accommodate added guarantees to Bit.Store users that authentic amount abstracts is acclimated during exchanges amid authorization and crypto. Chainlink Amount Feeds are awful tamper-resistant and accept historically operated for years with acute reliability. Some of the different advantages of Chainlink include:


“At Bit.Store, we are committed to accouterment our association the best and best automatic user experience. By amalgam Chainlink Amount Feeds into our platform, we accept been able to accommodate our users with the accomplished affection amount abstracts to access their aplomb back authoritative appraisement accompanying decisions on the Bit.Store platform,” declared Carl, the Ptoject Manager.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry accepted for building, accessing, and affairs answer casework bare to ability amalgam acute affairs on any blockchain. Chainlink answer networks accommodate acute affairs with a way to anxiously affix to any alien API and advantage defended off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars beyond DeFi, insurance, gaming, and added above industries, and offers all-around enterprises and arch abstracts providers a accepted aperture to all blockchains.

Learn added about Chainlink by visiting or apprehend the affidavit at To altercate an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Bit.Store

Bit.Store is a all-around amusing agenda asset advance belvedere aimed to accomplish it accessible for accustomed bodies to calmly and deeply admission the crypto advance market. The belvedere added leverages amusing elements, provides admission to apprenticeship and news, and added advance accoutrement to advice accustomed investors accomplish smarter advance decisions.

The Bit.Store interface is automatic and bright of trading abracadabra such as “Bollinger Band” and “MACD.” To advance crypto with their adopted authorization bill acquittal method, the user alone has to adjudge the bulk they appetite to purchase.

Bit.Store is accepting acceptance beyond the globe, decidedly Southeast Asia and Europe, and is currently the best accepted social-integrated crypto advance belvedere for amateur investors in Indonesia.

Bit.Store’s agenda assets are managed by a third-party custodian, Cobo Custody, and are consistently absolute by alien auditors so users can confidently abundance their assets on the platform.

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