Debitum Network (DEB) Gets Listed on Kucoin! World Premiere!
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Debitum Network (DEB) Gets Listed on Kucoin! World Premiere!

THELOGICALINDIAN - KuCoin is acutely appreciative to advertise yet addition abundant activity advancing to our trading belvedere Debitum NetworkDEB is now accessible on KuCoin Supported trading pairs including DEBBTC DEBETH

Please booty agenda of the afterward schedule:

1. DEB deposits: 18:00 Mar 13, 2018 (UTC 8)
2. DEB trading: 22:00 Mar 13, 2018(UTC 8)
3. DEB withdraw: 22:00 Mar 15, 2018(UTC 8)

Debitum is a borderless, baby business costs arrangement that seeks to accommodate the another accounts industry to accredit added baby to average businesses to access loans in situations that may ahead accept been difficult, time-consuming, or absolute impossible.

Through the accomplishing of the Ethereum blockchain calm with acute affairs and off-chain apps, Debitum will adapt the another accounts industry to bigger facilitate abate businesses back accepting loans.

According to a analysis by the World Bank, although SMEs’ added than 2/3rds of SMEs do not accept admission to credit. Over contempo years another costs via peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, balance-sheet lending, balance trading (loans backed by annual receivables) and VAT financing, has served to abetment costs for SMEs, however, no distinct band-aid encompasses all fields of business.

As a result, the all-around acclaim gap still stands at a whopping $2 trillion, accounted by the World Bank Organization and the IFC.

ICO Price: 1 DEB=0.0003 ETH

Debitum Network(DEB) Official Website:
Debitum Network(DEB) Whitepaper: click here

Risk Warning: The cryptocurrency advance is a adventure basic deal, it has 7 x 24 hours trading business archetypal with no bazaar abutting time. Please pay added absorption to chancy investment. KuCoin holds a austere arrangement of censorship about all tokens deal, but we never booty any accountability for the advance behavior.

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