Decentralized Advertising Ecosystem Papyrus Launches Token Sale on October 12, Announces Strategic Partnership with Airpush, Bancor, WINGS, and BitClave, and Presents World-Class Advisors
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Decentralized Advertising Ecosystem Papyrus Launches Token Sale on October 12, Announces Strategic Partnership with Airpush, Bancor, WINGS, and BitClave, and Presents World-Class Advisors

THELOGICALINDIAN - The activity developing the worlds aboriginal decentralized ecosystem for agenda announcement has active affairs with the best affecting players of the blockchain bazaar and its badge acute arrangement has been auspiciously absolute by the arch aggregation in the acreage of acute arrangement auditing

[Note: This is a columnist release.]

Papyrus is developing the world’s aboriginal decentralized and awful scalable ecosystem for agenda announcement able of processing billions of ad angle on a circadian basis. This absolute arrangement will accompany calm users, publishers, advertisers, and developers of decentralized applications (dApps) in an efficient, cellophane and mutually benign environment. The activity launches the aboriginal annular of its badge sale on October 12, 2017.

The activity has completed the alive ancestor of the announcement ecosystem Papyrus and is starting its aboriginal absolute integrations in the announcement market.

The purpose of Papyrus is to break all the capital problems of the agenda announcement market: the annoyance of users with extraneous agreeable and their behavior actuality covertly spied upon; continued non-transparent accumulation chains amid advertisers and publishers; huge anti-fraud costs and poor targeting.

The character of Papyrus’s access is that it will actualize the altitude in which advertisers will be abundant bigger adequate from artifice cartage and will get abundant college after-effects for the aforementioned bulk of money. Economic allowances would bulk to billions of dollars globally, and the internet will become adequate for users because there will be no awful and counterfeit announcement anymore.

During the 1 Round of its Token Sale Papyrus is planning to accession $5 actor (hard cap) that will advice bootstrap the Papyrus ancestor ecosystem, alpha pilot integrations with partners, including anti-fraud vendors, publishers, SSPs, and DSPs, and advance the development of a Papyrus able community.

From October 5 to October 10 the abundance of the Papyrus badge auction was predicted by the participants of the WINGS project—a blockchain belvedere for creating and announcement new decentralized free organizations (DAOs) that Papyrus active a affiliation accord with aftermost week. WINGS provides to the holders of its tokens a decentralized anticipation market: the belvedere participants accept tokens for their authentic forecasts apropos the after-effects apparent by a submitted project—the college the accurate ability of a accustomed participant, the added generally he or she can booty allotment in new forecasting campaigns. According to the analytic after-effects of the WINGS forecasting campaign, Papyrus will bound ability its adamantine cap of $5 million.

Currently, Papyrus is unparalleled globally and locally. Integrating blockchain technologies into announcement entails advantageous assorted abstruse barriers such as blockchain scalability. Papyrus is the aboriginal activity that has developed a abstruse architectonics acceptance to fix these problems. Papyrus offers decentralized real-time behest (dRTB) agreement that is able of administration all-inclusive amounts of accompanying ad impressions and ad payments in real-time with congenital antifraud architectonics that can be calmly chip into absolute programmatic ad infrastructure.

The scalability and accessible architectonics of Papyrus represents a absolutely global, decentralized belvedere accessible to all developers of new ad tech solutions for connected advance and change based on fair antagonism and transparency. Papyrus consists of four layers of architectonics with the apparatus of anniversary band developed as accessible antecedent software. It employs blockchain-based identification and acceptability administration accoutrement for ecosystem participants, as able-bodied as a dRTB agreement that will abutment dApps and direct ad payments. This framework combines decentralization, capacity, and speed.

Papyrus is anniversary its antecedent commitments: in adjustment to advance the market’s acceptance of the Papyrus ecosystem it is creating appropriate open-source  libraries  that can calmly be anchored aural acceptable announcement systems, authoritative them allotment of Papyrus. 

This week, Papyrus appear its ambition to barrage a pilot affiliation with Airpush, one of the better adaptable announcement platforms in the world. To date, Airpush has added than 300,000 apps application its SDK. As a supply-side belvedere (SSP), Airpush has been angry counterfeit traffic, appetite for transparency, attention the interests of advertisers and publishers, and enabling the closing to monetize calm user data. The accessible accord will advice both companies to analysis new technologies in adjustment to action these problems.

Papyrus’s architectonics and badge abridgement will acquiesce publishers and SSPs to become a allotment of a decentralized announcement bazaar area they will be able to access their revenue. With Papyrus, they’ll be able to prove the affection of cartage by apropos to the blockchain-linked aggregated history abstracts and accept payments with beneath costs on intermediaries.

For instance, aftermost week, Papyrus active a arrangement with a above blockchain project—the Bancor platform that is committed to developing and announcement the Bancor protocol, a accepted for the conception of intrinsically tradable Ethereum ERC20 tokens. This agreement provides connected clamminess and asynchronous amount analysis for tokens. The affiliation with Bancor will accommodate users of the Papyrus ecosystem with a badge changer—a apparatus for the automated and burning barter for the Ethereum cryptocurrency (ETH) and for the tokens of any added projects chip with Bancor. This badge banker will accommodate liquidity, annihilate volatility, accredit alien players to calmly pay for the casework of the absolute Papyrus participants, and acquiesce for a seamless and bland access of the new participants to the ecosystem.

Papyrus has additionally active a cardinal affiliation arrangement with BitClave, a decentralized analytic belvedere area the user can acquisition any artefact or account he or she needs. The accord of the projects will advice actualize a full-fledged arrangement for alone offers. Within this ecosystem, BitClave aggregates abstracts about users and processes accepted chase queries of the user back he or she is attractive for a artefact or a service. In BitClave, end users get announcement payments back their abstracts is acclimated for targeting offers.

This is in band with Papyrus’s approach: the calm user data—if the user gives his or her permission—can be fabricated accessible to advertisers affiliated to the Papyrus ecosystem appropriately accouterment them with a adjustment for absolute targeting of their ads application ambience information. Also, alone offers from BitClave will be displayed on publishers’ platforms affiliated to Papyrus, appropriately accretion their efficiency. In the archetypal announcement ecosystem, that affectionate of apparatus is alleged artefact remarketing. The appropriate affection is that the user can get advantage for interacting with accordant and advantageous ads and offers. The accord of the projects will advice actualize a absolute belvedere for alone offers area users are incentivized for assurance and are in ascendancy of their data. The developers of both systems accept already started alive out capacity of the integration.

Currently, Papyrus has enlisted the abutment of abounding arch world-class specialists in the worlds of blockchain and tech. The advisory lath of the project includes:

Mike Costache, Founder of Blockchain Investors Consortium, Co-Chair of d10e, one the better blockchain conferences in the world, and Managing Partner at KrowdMentor;

Eyal Herzog, Co-Founder and Chief Product Architect at Bancor, architect of MetaCafe, Israel’s fastest growing video administration site, architect of Contact Networks, one of the aboriginal amusing networks;

Tim Brown, Director for Global Agency and Partnership at SAP, a bunch software engineering company, an ad tech able with 20 years of experience;

Rahul Chandra, VP of accumulated development at Netcracker;

Richard Titus, Founder at Andronik Ltd., Managing Partner at ARK ICO Advisors

Alexander Shishow, Founder and CEO of BotScanner, a cartage affection appraisal arrangement based on bot and advocacy apprehension algorithms;

Dmitry Lee, Solution Architect at Netcracker and an able with 15 years of acquaintance in software engineering and accomplishing of all-embracing B2B and B2C solutions;

Brad Yasar, Cofounder and Managing Partner at KrowdMentor, entrepreneur, and coach who has started abounding companies over the accomplished 20 years;

Mikhail Fedorinin, buyer and bartering administrator at Calltouch, a able and anatomic belvedere for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data;

Marissa Kim, Managing Director at ARK ICO Advisors, a acknowledged able specializing in blockchain and crypto funds.

One of the stars of the team is Jeremy Epstein, Founder and CEO at Never Stop Marketing, ex-VP for business at Sprinklr, an able with 20-years’ acquaintance in announcement tech projects. Here you can watch how Jeremy explains the affidavit abaft his accommodation to accompany Card as Business Advisor.

The PRP badge acute arrangement has been auspiciously absolute by Ambisafe, an Ethereum asset administration belvedere that is advised the arch aggregation in the acreage of auditing acute contracts. The aftereffect of this analysis guarantees that Papyrus is a safe aggregation and all the participants of the Papyrus badge auction will be adequate and will absolutely accept new PRP tokens on their accounts.

The pre-sale of the Papyrus tokens is still accessible and it will go on appropriate until the alpha of the capital badge sale. During the pre-sale, appropriate altitude for entering the activity are offered to those who appetite to buy added than $50k account of the tokens. If you accept any questions apropos the pre-sale and the capital sale, you can ask them via email ([email protected]) or in the Telegram accumulation chat.

Papyrus is a decentralized announcement ecosystem for users, publishers, advertisers, and decentralized appliance (dApp) developers that is actuality developed on the Ethereum blockchain belvedere and acute contracts. To apprentice added about the activity see its website and whitepaper.

For added information, amuse contact:

Elena Obukhova
7 926 015 11 15

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