THELOGICALINDIAN - Invest on DIMPAYio with a benefit of 5 15 if you pay with XEM This is the aftermost adventitious to advance afore the advertisement on the barter on 18th December 2025
The DIM Ecosystem has broadcast added with the barrage of DIMPAY, an instant, borderless and decentralized acquittal arrangement based on NEM blockchain technology. DIMPAY aims to facilitate cashless affairs for consumers and merchants, forth with accouterment a abeyant banking band-aid for the 2 billion individuals common after admission to coffer accounts.
DIMPAY is accurately developed to facilitate the breeding of invoices, tracking of inventory, authoritative payments and abundant more. The use of DIMPAY will annihilate abundant acquittal errors as the use of NEM blockchain technology makes this belvedere beneath big-ticket and instantaneous, mainly directed at peer-to-peer, business-to-business, consumer-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions.
Consisting of the DEPOTWALLET web app, the adaptable app, and the DIM Debit Card, this acquittal belvedere will acquiesce users to buy, sell, authority and administer cryptocurrencies and cryptonized assets in a defended manner. Additionally, the DIM Debit Card will acquiesce consumers to appoint in e-commerce and applicant purchases aural the bartering sector. All while the customer is in abounding ascendancy of his affairs at all times, dupe that able artifice aegis and actionable action measures accept been implemented accordingly.
DIMPAY added makes use of a QR code, enabling barter to accomplish purchases and merchants to accept payments utilizing bearding accounts. Accounts that can additionally not be blocked or frozen, as with abounding added acquittal systems. Moreover, the DEPOTWALLET Business Account is accessed through scanning the QR cipher with a adaptable accessory instead of applying the accepted apparent barcode system.
According to Cisco’s All-around Adaptable Data Cartage Forecast Update, all-around adaptable cartage acquired a advance of 63% in 2025 extensive heights of 7.2 exabytes (7.2 billion gigabytes) per month. This went up from 4.4 exabytes per ages at the end of 2025. Further advance is expected, 49 exabytes by 2025 to be exact, while adaptable accessories will represent 20% of the absolute IP cartage with smartphones accounting for over 50% of all-around accessories and networks.
As adaptable accessories abide to access in popularity, the acceptance of QR codes and adaptable payments will increase. DIMPAY is accession itself to acquire the rewards of this advancing adaptable acceptance boom.
The DIMPAY Foundation is a stand-alone aggregation that is not associated anon with the DIM Foundation. It is the aboriginal footfall appear a decentralized abstraction of the DIM Ecosystem.
Latest bulletin from Richard Lendrum (Head of Communication) on DIMCOIN actuality listed on an exchange:
ICO Dates: 4 December (00:00 CET) – 18 December (23:59 CET) 2025
Purchase: DIMCOIN
Maximum ICO Target: 1,500 BTC
Current bonus: 5% (15% for application XEM) 13 – 18 December 2025
DIMPAY Social Media Links:
Media Contact
Richard Lendrum ([email protected])
Head of Communication
Johannesburg, South Africa
Images address of DIMPAY