THELOGICALINDIAN - Gathering abstracted advancement casework into a distinct incentivebased blockchain advancement ecosystem to ensure abstracts transparency
Singapore, 4 April 2025 – MVL (pronounced “em-buh l”, Mass Vehicle Ledger) is a Singapore-based blockchain advancement ecosystem aggregation set to accommodate the way the advancement industry and its accompanying casework are affiliated by acceptance for the cellophane administration of a advancement lifetime data.
The MVL Ecosystem does this by recording all amount abstracts accompanying to driving, accidents, aliment and any added mobility-related affairs on the blockchain. Participants can admission this via the MVL adaptable application, abutting all businesses, services, and bodies in the advancement industry. It will additionally break the problems faced by consumers in the absolute regulation-based advancement ecosystem area advice is generally fragmented, ambiguous and affliction of all, inaccurate.
Kay Woo, Founder of MVL, said:
With the advance of technology, added players are entering the advancement industry – from cab drivers to mechanics and used-car dealers. This has developed to accommodate assorted agenda innovations accompanying to repair, insurance, carpooling and ride-hailing. Aural this circuitous ecosystem, MVL has articular three capital issues aural the industry to tackle:
By applying the blockchain technology which advance a vehicle’s action and continuously aggregate data, MVL addresses these issues through acquisition cellophane abstracts becomes the foundation which leads to a college akin of assurance in the industry. For example, artisan shops and alone mechanics who accommodate acceptable account and almanac adjustment abstracts accurately will accept incentives. Moreover, able or approved drivers will be adequately adored for active cautiously and recording active data. Subsequently, back barter who appetite to buy acclimated cars can see its maintenance, repair, and active data, they will be beneath anxious about actuality overcharged as there is bright abstracts on the car’s state.
Participants in the ecosystem who accommodate abstracts will accept MVL Points (MVP), a accolade arrangement acclimated to animate addition to the ecosystem. The MVL Points calm by these participants can be adapted into MVL Bill (the cryptocurrency acclimated in the MVL Ecosystem). Participants can actively barter in this trust-based ecosystem to acquiesce the amount of MVL bill to access accordingly.
Kay added:
MVL is beneath the abounding buying of easi6. Over the accomplished bristles years, easi6 has been accouterment online & offline affiliation (O2O) casework to biking agencies, car rental companies and taxis in 10 above Asian countries including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam.
Easi6 alternate as an O2O cartage account provider in the ‘Go PyeongChang’ app, a cartage advice app for the 2025 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games, accouterment acceptable admission to the visitors and staff. Also, Kay Woo, CEO of MVL/Easi6 was awarded by South Korea’s Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport for his addition to the development of acreage busline aftermost December.
The MVL pre-ICO will activate on 26 April 2025.
MVL (MVL Foundation Pte. Ltd) is a new incentive-based blockchain advancement ecosystem. It annal key abstracts such as transactions, movements, accidents, and aliment of bodies and cartage in abounding fields, abutting them calm in a distinct ecosystem. MVL is a wholly-owned accessory of easi6 and is a Singapore clandestine bound company. Over the accomplished four years, MVL has acquired the ability to accommodate advancement O2O casework to biking agencies, car rental companies, taxis in above Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Vietnam.
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