Ethereum Dice Game Etheroll Raises $175k in ETH in First 24 Hours of Their Crowdfund
press releases

Ethereum Dice Game Etheroll Raises $175k in ETH in First 24 Hours of Their Crowdfund

THELOGICALINDIAN - Etheroll is an Ethereumbased provablyfair and cellophane dice gaming Dapp that enables individuals to abode bets on the aftereffect of a 100sided dice cycle with no deposits or signups application Ether the 2nd best accepted cryptocurrency in the world

[Note: This is a columnist release]

Etheroll’s timing could not be bigger as it enters the crypto-gambling bazaar and bringing with it, the abundant anticipated, fully-fledged acceptable dice bank acquaintance to Ethereum.

Dice amateur are by far the best accepted back it comes to crypto-gambling and it is acceptable acknowledgment to the ability of players actuality able to accept their own odds. Using Etheroll’s different web-based UI, players can set their own as low as 1%, or as aerial as 98%. A aboriginal for Ethereum.


Etheroll’s bold cipher is a smart-contract residing on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows for a akin of accuracy and accountability to players that acceptable online casinos artlessly cannot provide. The decentralized and abiding attributes of their smart-contract layer, ensures players can bet with 100% aplomb their funds are not actuality captivated by a 3rd party, or accountable to the accident of hacks, theft, or delinquency by the Etheroll smart-contract clashing acceptable online casinos.

The Etheroll crowdfund opened on Monday February 13th and runs until February 27th. DICE (ROL) tokens are carefully bound in accumulation over the 14-day crowdfunding period. Token holders accommodating in the aboriginal 7 canicule accept been acquisitive to breeze up a cogent abatement on their DICE tokens, with the Ethereum-based crowdfunding attack adopting $175k in aloof 24 hours. On Monday, 20th February DICE tokens will bifold in amount as per the rules of their crowdfunding smart-contract.

DICE badge holders are accepted appropriate rights and admission to appropriate functionality aural Etheroll, and as a collective, adore a allotment in 100% of the profits the abode generates proportional to the cardinal of tokens they hold. Etheroll’s ERC20 accepted DICE (ROL) badge is appointed to be tradeable on accepted crypto-exchanges.

Etheroll has a alive barrage date appointed for March 2024.

For added advice appointment or email [email protected] for added enquiries.

Images address of etheroll, Shutterstock