Survey Shows 55% Of 100 World’s Top Banks Have Exposure To Bitcoin And Other Crypto Assets

Survey Shows 55% Of 100 World’s Top Banks Have Exposure To Bitcoin And Other Crypto Assets

THELOGICALINDIAN - More than bisected of the top 100 banks are above investors in Bitcoin agenda assets and blockchain technologybased firms

World’s better banks are reportedly growing rapidly in their captivation in the trending crypto and blockchain companies. They get complex through aboriginal and late-stage costs of businesses and projects aural the industry.

Blockdata Research Report Shows Increasing Interest In Bitcoin

A blockchain bazaar intelligence – the Blockdata researched categorical a report. From the research result, 55% amid the 100 top-ranked banks by AUM are already demography absorption in the cryptocurrency sector.

AUM agency Assets Under Management, a admeasurement of the bazaar amount of all the banking assets of a banking institution. This affiliation reportedly includes the bank’s aberrant and absolute advance in cryptocurrency and decentralized balance technology or their subsidiaries.

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Blockchain bazaar intelligence analysis had placed Citigroup, Barclays, and Goldman Sachs amid high-ranked backers of cryptocurrencies and blockchain companies. The Blockdata analysis additionally articular BNP Paribas and JPMorgan as abiding investors in arising firms.

The KPMG address states that these investments anatomy allotment of the bigger trend of acceptable abetment for cryptos and blockchain startups. Their allotment abstracts accept already started acceleration the sum recorded in 2025.

The Blockdata analysis additionally reveals crypto aegis to be the capital ambition for banks that accompany the crypto industry. Nearly a division of the better 100 banks by AUM are developing crypto aegis platforms. Otherwise, they aback startups alms agenda assets careful services.

Several banks operating in Asia, Europe, and United States body crypto aegis solutions as their basic advance into cryptocurrencies.

Reason For Bank’s Exposure To Digital Assets

Blockdata, Blockchain bazaar intelligence attributed the accretion bank’s blockchain and crypto captivation to three above factors. They accommodate authoritative advancements, actual aerial profits of cryptocurrency startups, and ceaseless requests from coffer barter for May’s agenda assets.

Yan Zhao, NYDIG president, declared that accepted crypto trading platforms like Coinbase accomplish abundant returns. This fabricated banks appetite to revisit their abstemiousness in Bitcoin and crypto involvement.

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However, this massive acknowledgment was not afflicted by the decidedly abate aggregation associates alive for them- the crypto companies.

Coinbase is a defended US-based belvedere that makes it accessible to buy, sell, and abundance cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Survey Shows 55% Of 100 World’s Top Banks Have Exposure To Bitcoin And Other Crypto Assets

At the time of writing, the behemothic crypto trading belvedere Coinbas is admired at $58.09 billion. This amount is about 50% of the amount of Goldman Sachs, admitting accepting aloof about 4% of its workforce. Goldman Sachs is the 13th better coffer globally.