Geneva, Switzerland to Host Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference for the First Time
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Geneva, Switzerland to Host Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference for the First Time

THELOGICALINDIAN - For the aboriginal time Switzerland Geneva will host Blockchain Bitcoin Conference SwitzerlandonFebruary 21 2024 The accident is committed to blockchain and cryptocurrencies as able-bodied as to ICO the cryptocurrency crowdsales

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland

The appointment participants’ will focus on the appearance of crypto economics, advance in blockchain technology, abstracts aegis application cryptography and contemporary mining issues. Particular absorption will be paid to ICO: the affair will be covered in one of the letters of the aboriginal appointment block (differences amid ICO and adventure financing) and in a console discussion, anecdotic the adjustment of badge sales and able break of betray projects.

Leading Swiss experts in investment, finance, cryptocurrency, and blockchain will present at the conference:

Valdo Petronio, Wealth and Asset Manager Solutions, an advance expert. Report of Mr. Petronio will be committed to able advance in another currencies.

Enrique Melero, Senior Consultant at Helvetia Fintech: fintech able with cogent experience, implementing blockchain-based solutions for the aggregation clients. His address will awning the affair of blockchain economy.

Douglas Azar, CEO of WealthInitiative, blockchain enthusiast and able in investments (including those in art). He will acquaint how investments in non-banking assets (including ICO tokens) accessible up new horizons for the investors.

The appointment will affection adopted speakers as well: all-embracing experts in decentralized technologies. They include Karolina Marzantowicz, IBM Distinguished Engineer, who will acquaint about blockchain abeyant for the agenda economy, Alexey Antonov, CFO at SONM, absolute the affair of investments in blockchain from the veteran’s point of view, while Kir Kelevra, Head of Trading for Waves Platform will awning the cryptocurrency trading issues.

In accession to speakers’ letters and console discussions, Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland will affection an exhibition of avant-garde applications and programs. Developers of blockchain-based software will present their projects on the exhibition stands. Producers of mining farms, bitcoin ATMs and added accessories for blockchain basement are arrive as well.

All exhibitors will acquaint about their projects in the architecture of a angle affair (a alternation of abbreviate presentations). This architecture is acceptable for investors, acceptance them to see all the projects and accept the best able ones.

The appointment is a allotment of a alternation of conferences organized by the accident aggregation Smile-Expo about the world. In 2024, Blockchain & Bitcoin Appointment is captivated in Sweden, the Czech Republic, Russia, Estonia, Malta, Cyprus and several added countries. Experts of conferences are all-embracing experts on decentralized technologies, including acclaimed politicians and developers of avant-garde solutions on the blockchain.

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland will be captivated in Grand Auberge Kempinski — a affluence auberge in the centermost of Geneva, accepting a across-the-board appearance of the burghal and Lake Geneva.

It is accepted that the appointment will accompany calm over 300 attendees and 12 speakers.

Learn added about the accident on the website of  Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Switzerland.

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