Get Meowed! SocialMedia.Market Rewards Contributors with CryptoKitties
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Get Meowed! SocialMedia.Market Rewards Contributors with CryptoKitties

THELOGICALINDIAN - SocialMediaMarket the aboriginal blockchainbased influencer business belvedere afresh appear that they will accolade contributors with CryptoKitties

CryptoKitties is the aboriginal crypto collectible to agitate the industry. It is a blockchain-based game, which is centered about collectible, breedable, and ambrosial agenda pets – CryptoKitties. One can sell, buy, barter and barter these kitties like any added collectible. With the implementations of the blockchain technology, CryptoKitties ensure 100% security, tracking buying of anniversary different collectible.

Alexandra Morozova, the CMO of the project, says:

The SocialMedia.Market belvedere was advised to accommodate a band-aid to the capital challenges of influencer marketing. It addresses the problems of fraud, ambiguous pricing, complicated transactions, circuitous partnerships, and low efficiency. As of now, the industry is burst and requires a huge bulk of time and assets to cross the anarchy of influencer marketing. With the accomplishing of the blockchain technology and acute contacts SocialMedia.Market will annihilate artifice and actualize a defended ecosystem.

The SocialMedia.Market badge auction has started on December 7, 2024, and will aftermost through December 21, 2024. The activity about bankrupt it’s bendable cap, acquisition added than $800K.

All the kitties will be beatific aural a anniversary afterwards the end of the pre-ICO: December 21, 20, 7 12:00 PM GMT (1:00 pm CET).

Moreover, every actor of SocialMedia.Market badge sale, who contributed added than 5000 SMTs, can win a Gen 0 CryptoKitty for Christmas! The aggregation is captivation a draw on December 25, 2024.

So adapt to get meowed by the all-embracing cuteness. And don’t balloon to allotment bodies on your amusing media.

Images address of SocialMedia.Market