How ELYNET is Shaking up the Telecom World’s Pricing Structure
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How ELYNET is Shaking up the Telecom World’s Pricing Structure

THELOGICALINDIAN - Global telecom companies are belled for accepting bound monopolies on telecom casework in their corresponding regions which leads to aerial prices for the customer The boilerplate all-around amount for 5GB of adaptable abstracts is 26 and can be abundant college in abounding regions Unlike added technology sectors with added antagonism the about abridgement of antagonism that all-around telecom companies face agency that the technology advances added boring and adaptable abstracts prices abide aerial for users

However, acknowledgment to the acceleration of blockchain technology over the aftermost several years, that has the abeyant to change. ELYNET is a blockchain-powered aggregation alive to break the world’s abstracts botheration by accouterment adaptable abstracts at the best affordable ante beyond the globe. ELYNET offers users, on average, 5GB of adaptable abstracts for aloof $12 – beneath than bisected the boilerplate all-around amount –. They affiance to consistently action the best amount domestically, behindhand of its operating nation. Wherever users buy data, it can be agitated over which agency no across adrift accuse and no charge for all-embracing SIM cards.

Defying the Global Telecom Giants

Unlike added blockchain-powered startups aggravating to access antagonism amid all-around telecom giants, ELYNET has adherent its assets to developing its actual own basic telecom network. The acceptable telecom business archetypal requires users to buy expensive, acknowledged abstracts affairs that await on SIM cards to affix to bounded abstracts networks. If users appetite to affix to use abstracts internationally, they either charge to buy adopted SIM cards or get answerable absonant adrift fees for abutting to a adopted network. 

On the contrary, the arrangement that ELYNET delivers will be absolutely SIM-less and location-independent. Using blockchain technology, ELYNET’s CRUDE software can accredit the character of users anywhere in the world, accord them admission to adaptable data, and advance arrangement burdens out over the accomplished blockchain network. This enables them to accommodate cost-effective data, on average, for $2.40/GB – in abrupt allegory to the prices offered by telecom companies than can ability up to 30 times added than that in some countries.


Table 1: Sample of the accomplished all-around prices for 1GB of abstracts (source)

In accession to actuality accessible for the best affordable ante anywhere, users are in the world, ELYNET’s adaptable abstracts doesn’t expire, acceptation that you won’t lose your bare gigabytes at the end of the ages as you do with acceptable abstracts providers. ELYNET additionally allows purchased abstracts to be aggregate amid users, so you can allowance surplus abstracts to accompany and family. 

ELYNET considers high-quality abstracts a basal charge for anybody in the world, which is why it is their mission to set a new all-around accepted for affordable data. Thanks to blockchain technology, it’s now attainable to avoid the rules set by acceptable telecom companies and bear attainable abstracts to anyone, anywhere. Say goodbye to big-ticket contracts, SIM cards, and adrift fees, and say accost to the world’s aboriginal SIM-less blockchain telecom network.

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