HODL Wallet – A Metal Bitcoin Wallet

HODL Wallet – A Metal Bitcoin Wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin aegis has been a focus as of backward with BitStamp accident bristles actor dollars of Bitcoin afterwards actuality afraid As a aftereffect abounding Bitcoiners advance not application exchanges to abundance Bitcoin Instead offline options which accept never affected the internet are advised the best defended options for autumn Bitcoin

Cold storage, autumn your Bitcoin offline, is usually advised the best defended way to abundance your coins. However, it can be complicated to set up. One another is accouterments wallets, which are accessories agnate to carriageable adamantine drives, but abundance Bitcoin. These wallets additionally never blow the internet, authoritative them defended adjoin malware.

A new blazon of wallet has aloof been appear by BinaryAge, a software company. Their new “HODL” wallet is a concrete metal Bitcoin wallet for austere bitcoin holders. The wallet comes with a agglomeration of belletrist and numbers that are used to actualize the clandestine key. This allows you to accomplish it offline and never alike blow a computer. The metal wallet is declared to be added abiding than its cardboard another in case of flooding, blaze or artlessly approved abrasion and tear.

Currently, it is still aloof an idea, and they accept not alike created a ancestor yet, but BinaryAge is awful because authoritative the artefact a reality. They accept already assassin a clear artist to architecture the item. The aboriginal adaptation will alone abutment Armory cardboard wallets, but in the approaching adaptation they achievement to aggrandize it to added types of wallets.


Coinsquare, a Bitcoin security band-aid company, already offers a artefact actual agnate to the HODL wallet. The aegis aggregation has a metal bowl which is fireproof and waterproof and can abundance one clandestine key. They address you the genitalia bare to accomplish it, and you accumulate it, which allows you accomplish abiding the clandestine key is generated securely. You put the clandestine key on it by bed-making it assimilate the metal bowl they provide.

Do you use a accouterments wallet to abundance your Bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of BinaryAge and Coinsquare.