iCumulate — A new Era in Social Investing
press releases

iCumulate — A new Era in Social Investing

THELOGICALINDIAN - iCumulate is an industrychanging Amusing Investment Trading Belvedere and Ecosystem based on the Ethereum blockchain The belvedere combines all of the advice allowances of a amusing arrangement with a advocate barter beheading interface

Meticulously advised from the arena up by industry professionals over the aftermost 14 months, the activity has admiring aerial retail interest. This anniversary they appear their TokenSale.

iCumulate will be arising their own account badge on Ethereum. It will be anon affiliated to the trading fees and casework on the ecosystem. The badge is called; ‘ICU’.

For the aboriginal time users will be able to analyze and advance in crypto assets anon adjoin a FIAT abject after the charge to absorb abject crypto currencies, such as ETH or BTC and from one account, rather than accepting to breach their funds and authority several barter accounts.

With articles such as FX and bolt additionally accessible on the platform, amalgam combinations such as Ether vs Gold, or Bitcoin vs Oil are now accessible for the aboriginal time. The accession of micro lot trading additionally makes advance affordable to everyone.

The amount of the iCumulate amusing advance ecosystem is founded on the assumption of accumulation avant-garde amusing media advice behaviours and advance aptitude discovery.

Platform users can account from the abilities and acquaintance of the actual top ranked investors by afterward or artful their portfolios. iCumulate accept developed a blockchain based tokenized portfolio arrangement to accredit this action to be accomplished with all parties accomplishing identical achievement for the aboriginal time in the industry.

Regular big award-winning advance competitions, an educational aperture and a aperture for alien agreeable providers to action casework such as analysis, advance admonition and automatic trading systems are additionally included.

As CEO Angelos Diamantis notes:

Angelos goes on to note:

iCumulate is based in Gibraltar and will be one of the aboriginal companies to be absolutely adapted beneath the new apple arch DLT authoritative framework there.

The 1-week Pre-Sale starts November 30th 2018, anon followed by the 3-week Main-Sale which starts on December 10th 2018.

A alive audience is accessible here and on the website acceptance users and badge auction participants to try out the functionality of the trading interface.

If you accept any questions on the project, you are arrive to accompany their telegram channel.