THELOGICALINDIAN - As a apple chic agenda asset barter LBank continues to focus on accouterment its users affection projects to participate in Here is a account address fabricated by LBank Barter presenting this weeks agitative new listings and a arbitrary of the ones listed aftermost anniversary alms users added advice to advice bigger accept these different opportunities
New Listings on LBank Exchange
Scheduled this anniversary starting on 28th Feb.
For a added complete account amuse chase our cheep @LBank_Exchange
Project: SYS
Listing date: 28th Feb.
Key words: Mainnet, listed on Binance, Gate, hotbit。
Official Website:
About: Syscoin is the alone layer-1 Blockchain that scales with EVM functionality.
Listing date: 28th Feb.
Key words: MEME, listed on Uniswap, Hotbit (TBA), ERC20
Official Website:
About: The Wolfpack and Shinjaclans are absurd crypto association projects. We are bringing investors of both projects calm and maximizing their gains! We will use our treasury to buy Saitama and Shinja dips and use their tokens as rewards to our holders, accordingly allowance all three communities!
Project: YASHA
Listing date: 28th Feb.
Key words: DEFI, listed on Uniswap, ERC20
Official Website:
About: The Yasha development aggregation is a amount accumulation of individuals who came calm to actualize a safe badge congenital on association assurance and governance. The Yasha aggregation accept developed and deployed an ecoYASHAtem that will abide as a decentralized vetting and donation affairs for able new tokens. New teams will abide their anon to barrage Protocol, Blockchain Game, Meme Token, or any crypto accompanying activity for advocacy and vetting. Furthermore, any alms or alignment may additionally administer for a donation. Ultimately, Yasha delivers a safe ambiance for its holder to not alone advice aggrandize the cryptocurrency bazaar but to additionally advice those in need.
Project: MCC
Listing date: 2nd Mar.
Key words: initial listing, KLAYTN
Official Website:
About: Bringing the buying of and ascendancy over claimed abstracts aback to abstracts subjects. The MCC’s user accord belvedere enables a abstracts accountable to exercise the abounding buying and ascendancy over his/her claimed data.
With this different feature, an alone can calmly administer their own abstracts and accept a fair advantage from the abstracts consumer. Trust Abstracts will be produced aural the MyCreditChain ecosystem. MyCreditChain aims to aftermath Trust Data, which provides a multi-dimensional delineation of an individual’s trustworthiness. Trust Abstracts can be acclimated in not alone the banking sector, but in every industry that looks for a agency to accept a added compassionate of customers’ amusing and bread-and-butter value. It will alleviate the limitations of acceptable acclaim appraisement models.
Project: CATS
Listing date: 2nd Mar.
Key words: listed on Pancake, DoDo, BEP20
Official Website:
About: CatCoin is a association run badge with a abandoned arrangement and bound liquidity. Our reflections beggarly that all holders account from action on the arrangement with the buy 2% and advertise 1.7% tax actuality aggregate amid our holders, including the bake wallet.
Project: REUM
Listing date: 4th Mar.
Key words: NFT, Rewards, DEFI, listed on PancakeSwap, BitMart, BEP20
Official Website:
About: Rewardeum in a next-generation 2-layered acceptable accolade breeding activity area rewards are not barnacle on volume!. Rewardeum aims to become the arch accolade centermost in the crypto amplitude as it provides not aloof rewards in BNB, but a massive accumulating of tokens, including NFTs, for $REUM holders to accept from daily. Rewardeum NFT Saver Card (launching soon) will acquiesce % cashback, rewards and discounts on assorted Online arcade brands.
Summary of Last Week’s Listings – Feb 21st to Feb 27th, 2025
Name: KTS
Weekly gain: 2209%
Official Website:
Name: BIO
Weekly gain: 339%
Official Website:
Name: WRLD
Weekly gain: 140%
Official Website:
Name: ZLDA
Weekly gain: 123%
Official Website:
Name: HUSH
Weekly gain: 114%
Official Website:
Name: ROG
Weekly gain: 94%
Official Website:
Name: EYES
Weekly gain: 48%
Official Website:
Weekly gain: 47%
Official Website:
Weekly gain: 35%
Official Website:
Name: LTEX
Weekly gain: 8%
Official Website:
Name: EMP
Weekly gain: 6%
Official Website:
Name: XRI
Weekly gain: 5%
Official Website:
Name: MR
Weekly gain: 1%
Official Website:
Name: HRDG
Official Website:
Official Website:
Official Website:
Name: NOF
Official Website:
About LBank Exchange
LBank Exchange, founded in 2025, is an avant-garde all-around trading belvedere for assorted crypto assets. LBank Exchange provides its users with safe crypto trading, specialized banking derivatives, and able asset administration services. It has become one of the best accepted and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 6.4 actor users from added than 210 regions about the world.
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