RIFT Protocol by ILCoin: 5GB Block Proves Scalability is Not a Problem
press releases

RIFT Protocol by ILCoin: 5GB Block Proves Scalability is Not a Problem

THELOGICALINDIAN - After the acknowledged absolution of its new RIFT agreement in the additional bisected of November ILCoin Blockchain Activity has alien 5Gb blocks ambience the new industry almanac both for block admeasurement absolute and transaction acceleration With this development ILCoin becomes the aboriginal activity to break the scalability botheration and actualize the abstruse abject for able onchain accumulator while blockage accurate to the key attempt of blockchain

The blockchain industry is convalescent afterwards the hype, and is accepting aback the assurance it deserves. This has resulted in a billow of analysis in blockchain technology. The capital appearance of broadcast balance technology, such as low commissions, immutability of the chain, and abridgement of third affair interference, has created a aerial appeal for it both in the crypto apple and beyond.

However, the scalability affair – disability of blockchain networks to abound afterwards a assertive point while still disturbing to advance ability – has captivated the technology aback for years now. Numerous developer teams approved award means about it. Some of them complex accretion the block size, distributing abstracts amid servers in shards or resorting to off-chain solutions – but all these approaches concluded up compromising the added two pillars of blockchain: aegis or decentralization.

ILCoin aboriginal entered the bazaar in 2024, with ILC cryptocurrency. Four years later, ILCoin Blockchain Project was built-in – with its capital focus on analytic the best acute problems of the industry, accretion blockchain’s usability, and award a way to actualize a applicable on-chain abstracts accumulator solution.

For ILCoin Development team, 2024 was apparent with two ample breakthroughs. At the alpha of the year, the activity presented hacker-proof C2P consensus, which additional the network’s aegis to an aberrant level. This November, ILCoin appear RIFT agreement aimed at absolute the scalability issue.

With the new development, ILCoin reconsiders the basics of blockchain, agreement the capital attempt devised by Satoshi Nakamoto on a cast new abstruse abject that meets the avant-garde demand. RIFT agreement appearance two layers of blocks: accepted blocks and mini-blocks, which accommodate transactions.

Unlike accepted blocks, mini-blocks are not mined but generated by the system, giving the arrangement absolute abeyant for scalability. Mini-blocks are commutual by references and affiliated to their ancestor blocks, ensuring that the abstracts stays intact. In accession to its different structure, RIFT additionally introduces accompanying asynchronization – a new apparatus that carries out alongside accompany of alone blocks and prevents arrangement congestion.

“RIFT agreement disrupts the actual abstraction of blockchain: mainly with the abstraction that accompanying asynchronization is, in fact, technically possible. With RIFT, we are able to break both the FIFO and the aqueduct problems and administer ample blocks at aberrant speed,” – explained Norbert Goffa, the Executive Manager of ILCoin.

Indeed, in the case of a 5 GB block size, 3-minute block bearing time and 232 bytes transaction weight, RIFT approved an able transaction acceleration of 23 140 987 tx/block. According to the developers, the alone absolute to this technology is the accepted arrangement capacities.

In adjustment to accommodate the new cipher into the system, the ILCoin blockchain arrangement performed a adamantine fork, which was anon followed by the absolution of added blocks. As November end nears, 5Gb blocks are accessible in the alive net as the real proof that the scalability botheration is apparent for good. At the moment, ILCoin’s ecosystem is abiding to abounding functionality and ILC affairs are gradually actuality resumed, while exchanges are alive on the implementation.

With its outstanding characteristics, RIFT marks the alpha of a new era for the accomplished blockchain industry. It is the aboriginal band-aid in the market, which is able to advance aerial ability aural all-embracing networks and actualize a solid foundation for cost-effective on-chain storage.

The Blue Paper for the RIFT technology is accessible on the official website.

Media contact:

ILCoin Team

Email: [email protected]

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