Legends of Mitra Announces USD1.45 Million Fundraising Backed by Leading GameFi Investors
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Legends of Mitra Announces USD1.45 Million Fundraising Backed by Leading GameFi Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - December 15 2024 Legends of Mitra LoM a playtoearn NFT bold has bankrupt a USD145 actor clandestine costs annular with the abutment of an absorbing calendar of GameFi and blockchain investors The closing of the fundraising annular is a cogent anniversary as LoM prepares for the accessible alms of its MITA badge an accident afresh placed on GameFis accessible IGOs Initial Bold Offerings to watch list

Investors in Legends of Mitra are capitalizing on the aggregation of three of the fastest growing trends in blockchain gaming — play-to-earn, NFTs and GameFi.  The annular was led by above blockchain investors including Klaytn, 3Commas Capital, M6, Youbi Capital, Shima Capital, Maven Capital, Icetea Labs, OKEX, x21, RocketBC, Metrix Capital, DWeb3, Good Games Guild, Exnetwork Capital and Asteroid Capital. With admission abutment from Algorand Foundation and Cronos blockchain.

These investors are well-positioned to adviser LoM’s advance in the GameFi and NFT sector, including by architecture business and partnerships through able all-around networks, accretion its multi-chain strategy, and acknowledging the badge offering.

The allotment will be acclimated for belvedere business and accretion partnerships beyond P2E gaming, interoperable blockchains, and NFT marketplaces.

Play-to-earn amateur are demography over the blockchain gaming apple area the gaming balance archetype is alive in favor of the players who can comedy for free, own their in-game assets through NFTs, and alike acquire acquiescent assets by staking their tokens and NFTs. Yet in reality, the accessible abridgement of P2E gaming is acceptable added siloed as added new gaming platforms are launched.

Legends of Mitra is absolutely alteration the gaming archetype by developing a blockchain gaming belvedere as it is advised to be: a multi-chain gaming metaverse in which gamers can barter assets beyond amateur and blockchains. To this end, LOM is actuality congenital beyond assorted blockchains, including Klaytn, Cronos, Algorand, Wax, and the Binance Chain to actualize a absolutely multi-chain action game.

Through its gaming archetypal alleged “Human Mining, in the free-to-play-to-earn LoM game, players are incentivized for their time, contributions, and efforts by actuality adored with MITA tokens and NFTs, depending on their assurance and abilities in the game. Players can acquire through bold comedy by angry and acceptable PVE battles, abutting Clans and acceptable Clan Wars, and actuality top 10 on circadian leaderboards; in the NFT exchange by accession and affairs heroes and resources; and through DeFi by staking MITA tokens for rewards.

“We are positioned to be one of the aboriginal free-to-play-to-earn NFT and metaverse amateur advancing out of Africa,” says Kwasi Kena, CEO of Gem Studios the Studio architecture the Legends of Mitra game.

Following on the acknowledged clandestine fundraising round, the date of the accessible auction of the Legends of Mitra annual badge MITA through a badge auction on the RedKite launchpad will anon be announced. Follow the LoM official Telegram annual for added details.

Legends of Mitra (LoM) is a Free-to-Play-to-Earn bold that rewards players with tokens and NFTs depending on their assurance and abilities in the game. The key aberration amid LoM and a acceptable adaptable bold is the affiliation of Blockchain technology and the bread-and-butter incentives advised into the bold that accolade players for their time, contributions, and efforts in the game.