THELOGICALINDIAN - LetsExchangeio an burning cryptocurrency barter account that doesnt crave allotment and KYC has appear on its development back the platforms barrage in aboriginal 2024 This address shows a accelerated advance that fabricated LetsExchange one of the arch noncustodial cryptocurrency exchanges globally in a abbreviate time
A full-fledged adaptation of the LetsExchange belvedere was launched in March 2024 with about 200 listed cryptocurrencies. Now, supports about 350 bill and tokens, which makes over 120,000 crypto pairs accessible for seamless swaps.
In agreement of the cardinal of affairs and the absolute barter volume, the best accepted crypto pairs on LetsExchange are the following: BTC to XMR, ETH to BNB, BTC to ETH, BNB to BTC, ETH to SOL, BTC to BNB, XMR to BTC, ETH to AVAX.
Still, it’s alone the tip of the abstract as the belvedere lists an absorbing ambit of altcoins and DeFi tokens. It’s additionally generally acclimated as a cross-chain bandy band-aid back LetsExchange supports assorted networks for abounding tokens.
Compared to March 2024, the cardinal of LetsExchange account users grew 50x by the end of the aftermost year (300,000 vs 6,000 ), while the cardinal of swaps per ages skyrocketed by 100x.
The belvedere has users in added than 170 countries although the U.S. is by far the top bazaar for LetsExchange, accounting for about 30% of all the users.
LetsExchange continues to aggrandize its all-around footprint. Its website is currently accessible in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, and Turkish, and added localizations are advancing soon.
Focused on seamless and aboveboard user experience, LetsExchange provides intuitive, easy-to-use UI for exchanging crypto in a few simple steps:
LetsExchange has been accretion its functionality back the platform’s launch. Among added updates, it alien user accounts and the LetsExchange associate program.
Registering an annual is not appropriate to barter crypto but it gives admission to added appearance such as abundant barter stats and portfolio administration tools.
The LetsExchange associate affairs enables crypto wallets, aggregators, media, and added platforms to accommodate and monetize crypto barter functionality. LetsExchange is already chip with such crypto wallets as Trezor and Trustee as able-bodied as a cardinal of barter aggregators including SwapSpace, Invity, Swapzone, Alligat0r.
LetsExchange has additionally appear its affairs to apparatus a cardinal of added appearance in the abreast future. These appearance will accommodate fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat exchange, decentralized exchange, a adaptable app, acquittal gateway, crypto processing, and white-label barter solutions. is an burning multi-currency barter account chargeless of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a convenient interface, and fast automatic transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time and money at anniversary footfall of the barter process. With a set of banal B2B solutions, LetsExchange is architecture a all-around ecosystem for seamless and effortless crypto swaps attainable through assorted platforms such as crypto wallets, barter aggregators, media outlets, and others.