LGBiT Token to Introduce SUGAR Blockchain-Based LGBT Social Network
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LGBiT Token to Introduce SUGAR Blockchain-Based LGBT Social Network

THELOGICALINDIAN - Presale started on 15 of November 2024 and will abide through 15 of December 2024

The way things are done in the amusing aeon is about to change with the ablution of SUGAR’s LGBiT token, which would accommodate the amusing networks and ensure that bodies are affirmed by the aforementioned credo and are additionally able to acquaint added securely.

So abounding tokens accept been launched in the accomplished and more are still actuality launched daily, but none of them accept auspiciously addressed the amusing arrangement and its accessory challenges. SUGAR is demography the advance in this attention and putting the appropriate accoutrement in abode to ensure that the acceptable means things are done in the amusing networks are disrupted.

SUGAR seeks to actualize an ideal, anatomic and unified arrangement for the LGBT community, authoritative the over 2 billion amusing networks users globally to accept a faculty of amusing acceptance and security. SUGAR is ambience the clip as the aboriginal amusing arrangement for assembly of the LGBT communities worldwide.

It is advised to be an access for agreeing bodies to locate and collaborate with one addition after barriers like sex, age, amusing statuses, blush or chase arena a alienated role. The alone chain agency for the over 300,000,000 abeyant users of the belvedere will be a unified ideology.

Users of the armpit are assured of the acquaintance of their claimed information, because the belvedere makes use of the latest encryption adjustment and the different Blockchain technology in sending messages, autumn and appointment data, including multimedia and files.

SUGAR amusing arrangement makes use of its own LGBiT crypto tokens, which users use for alternate settlements, acquittal for appurtenances and services, as able-bodied as for fund-raise for accommodating purposes. This crypto badge is an ERC20 accepted which is founded on the Ethereum blockchain.

Over 300,000,000 abeyant users are accepted on this platform. This absorbing cardinal appropriately represents the abeyant admeasurement of the bodies who accomplish use of the atypical SUGAR amusing arrangement for LGBT representatives. With a solid end-to-end encryption, it would be absurd for strangers to accept an admission to the history of advice fabricated by users.

The belvedere has the afterward appearance and functionality:

LGBiT Token Sale

SUGAR is authoritative accessible to the accessible its LGBiT token, which would be the cryptocurrency for users on the platform. The basic date of the ICO (pre-sale) alpha date is 15 November 2024 and the end date is 14 December 2024. The absolute tokens to be awash are 550,000 and the cryptocurrency of barter is the Ethereum; and 1 Ethereum will accord you 800 LGBiT tokens. The minimum badge acquirement per alone is 0.05 ETH.

100% of the armamentarium aloft would be acclimated in the afterward accommodation and ways:

However, the capital date of the ICO starts on 15 December 2024 and would end on 1 March 2024, with 50 actor tokens to be sold.

The LGBiT tokens would barter at altered ante during the ICO proper. The bulk at which you buy depends on the bulk you are purchasing. Here are the ante that would apply:

An busy aloofness action has been provided to assure users of the assurance of their claimed details, giving the agreement that their capacity would not be appear to a third-party after their consent. Users are additionally assured that acclaim cards and added absolute clandestine advice would not be appear to anyone abroad or compromised.

However, as is accepted with sites that acquiesce the use of acclaim cards for acquittal for articles and services, SUGAR and LGBiT badge acquaint abeyant users that their addresses and agenda capacity may be appropriate if they charge to pay for casework application their cards. The armpit complies with cookie behavior and added regulations that accomplish abiding your aloofness is respected. They additionally advance a aught altruism to spamming and agreement to alone accelerate accordant emails to users.

While citizens from several countries are accustomed on this belvedere and are chargeless to participate in the ICO, it charge be acclaimed that not anybody is absolutely welcome. If you are from the BVI, China, Singapore, South Korea, UK or USA, you are automatically butterfingers from accepting the token. To be acceptable to participate in the token, individuals charge be 18 years and above.

The apple and absolutely the amusing arrangement users are agilely cat-and-mouse for this addition to appear on stream. The delay would be account it if SUGAR can bear on what it promises to bear to amusing arrangement users. LGBiT Token is account advance it; it is awful accepted to accompany the bare anarchy the all-around amusing networks accept been admiring for.

Official site: http://www.sugar.lgbt

Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/sugarsocialnetwork/

Official Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/SUGAR_lgbt

Images address of LGBiT